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rabbit wees on hutch floor.


Warren Scout
the hutch is in a shed and the bit the rabbit wees in is the bedroom bit. It has all soaked into the wood and i cannot get it dry. Will it be o.k???? I have washed it with boiling water abd disenfected the area. i have also now put a plastic bag ontop of it to prevent more wee going on it and a litter tray in there, which dosnt leave much room for sleeping!!!!!.
Please advise me on what to do as it does smell in there. My other bun has also got the sneezes, could the damp of the wee in the bedroom be a contributing factor??????
would in my opinion remove plastic bag so your rabbit doesnt get stuck in it or choke etc.
I have one that wees on floor instested of litter tray too :{
Hi, it seems you have 2 issues here.

1. If you have a rabbit who is sneezing and has nasal discharge he needs to see a vet, he will probably need some antibiotics.

2. I would wash the hutch with a vinegar solution to distroy the odour, dry thoroughly and then line it with lino, vinyl stick on tiles (pound shop/wilkos do cheapies) or maybe you can find a low sides litter tray/plastic storage tub that fits nicely, line it with newspaper and or hay.
ok thanks, i will get some lino then, as for the sneezing rabbit, he has been 3 times to a rabbit savvy vet with this sneezing and has been checked out, his breathing is fine etc, he thinks it may be a dust hay allergy!!!!!!! only thing is he is a rex rabbit who has to be on hay cus of his hocks
I see - glad to hear bun has seen a vet - maybe you could try dustfree hay? I know some people use fleece or vetbed for Rex bunnies but of course you need to make sure bunny's not chewing it. Would Megazorb be an option? Its not completley dust free but not bad.

Just another word about the Lino - you need to make sure he can't get hold of the edges to chew - some edging strips of plain untreated safe wood should do it. - As he's a Rex I think a suitably sized filled plastic tray/storage tub might be best. I found that those supermarket cardboard "fruit trays" fit almost perfectly in my bedroom areas, I then line with a good 3 full newspapers and lots of hay.
sorry head isnt screwed on straight this morning, i have 2 rabbits in the hutch and the other one is a lionhead rabbit( girl) so not sure wehich one is doing it but she is the chewer :D
I see - glad to hear bun has seen a vet - maybe you could try dustfree hay? I know some people use fleece or vetbed for Rex bunnies but of course you need to make sure bunny's not chewing it. Would Megazorb be an option? Its not completley dust free but not bad.

Just another word about the Lino - you need to make sure he can't get hold of the edges to chew - some edging strips of plain untreated safe wood should do it. - As he's a Rex I think a suitably sized filled plastic tray/storage tub might be best. I found that those supermarket cardboard "fruit trays" fit almost perfectly in my bedroom areas, I then line with a good 3 full newspapers and lots of hay.
going to get megazorb as he is on wood shavings at the mo ( not the fine ones tho) that is a good idea about the plastic trays i wil give it a go, thanx
You could find the wood shavings are to blame, they can cause problems so best to avoid them. Let us know how you get on :wave:
i assume they are all neutered?

sawdust does play a factor to nasal probs though deffo would dbl check him out at vets, if your worried about damp i use newspaper straw and a thick layer of dustfree hay, i only use straw on the really cold days,

to dry the hutch in this weather if you have a heat gun this works, hairdryer just not powerfull enough :D

as for lino as others have suggested :)