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Rabbit rebonding update..just checking I'm doing it right?!


Young Bun
Hello! Little update with my buns Amelie and Hector - I already posted a couple of weeks ago so here's an update. Amelie and Hector are brother and sister but their bond broke after they were both castrasted. I tried some bunny dates but it didn't really work so I decided to do a bunny bonding marathon! They were together in a box for an hour and a half (a bit of fighting but afterwards they just ignored each other) and I gave them some food which was fine.

I've completely cleaned Hector's cage and they're both in there now (but they're in the lounge with us not in their normal bunny room so it's still in an unknown place for them). What I want to ask is that I put one litter box in the cage and at first Hector jumped straight in but after a bit of exploring they switched places and for around 20 minutes Amelie's been sitting comfortably in there and Hector's on the other side looking a bit lost! I've scattered hay everywhere so he can eat too. They're both just sitting there ignoring each other, but they are cleaning themselves and also both are sometimes thumping for no reason but I heard that's normal!

Sooo should I take the litter box out for now or leave it in so Hector can confront Amelie so they can share?! The litter box is also a bit small for both (they could both get in there if they squash a bit) which I didn't realise as they were separated for so long and now they've grown!

Thanks for reading :)
They sound like they are getting on ok. I would play it low key, not too much interference and let them get used to being together for a few days. (Unless they fall out). You will need a bigger litter tray so they can share it, this will help with their bond, but for now leave the smaller one in there and they will just take turns for now. Hope it goes well.
Thanks for the quick reply! I'm going to get a bigger litter tray on Monday (Germany's shops don't open on Sundays :( )
They're both pretty relaxed but Amelie runs away from Hector as soon as he comes near her/she goes near him! However I think they're slowly getting better as they keep touching noses and then quickly turning around from each other :love: adorable haha
Everything's falling apart!! Yesterday went really well and they were grooming each other and even managed to share the little litter box haha. It's the third day today and Amelie spent most of the night thumping. No ones injured but she was squeaking this morning. We put them in the hallway yesterday (neutral territory) to give them a run around and increase the space but it was a bit back to square one where Amelie was constantly running away from Hector. I did it again this morning and it was the same but at least they had some time to run about, after about an hour I popped them back in their cage and all was well again for around half an hour and the chasing has started again and I'm scared they're going to start properly fighting?! Should I separate them but I know if I do I don't think they'll ever be bonded :(
It's probably that you have extended their space/moved them that has kicked things off, which is very normal. I would keep them in the bonding pen for at least 48hrs after any fur pulling/chasing etc, and after that time extend the pen very slowly, leaving 48 hrs after any fur pulling etc before extending again. Hope things settle down for you :thumb:
Oooh okay thanks! I just figured that them being cooped up in the cage since Saturday might make them hyperactive as they need a little run about, but I'll wait then :) I just gave them so much parsley that they've both fallen asleep haha so hopefully everything will stay this relaxed!! Going to run to the shop and buy that bigger litter box and maybe some new toys so they don't get too bored in there.
Thanks :D
Thumping and squeaking can mean that the doe wants to be mated with. Is it the boy who is chasing, as this is normal for a few days. Also, she isn't in an area she might consider hers?
Haha I don't know whats worse, if she wants to mate or if shes scared! I did read though about the "Spring feeling" which I didn't know about (both of them are castrated so hopefully they don't get it!). Yeah it's the boy who's chasing, they both relax and lie down but then after a while the chasing starts and Amelie's fur is flying, sometimes as she runs/jumps away she sprays her wee is that normal?! Oh and no they're both in neutral territory!
I hope they both calm down soon :(
As long as there is no fighting I would keep going - she still sounds rather hormonal but hope they will calm down soon.
Personally, I'd take the litter tray out. I found that caused more problems when bonding. I would just put a big pile of hay in the middle of their bonding pen so the are forced to be near each other whilst eating. Also moving them or letting them out of the pen will cause things to go backwards. If they have fought before I'd wait longer than 48 hours with no fighting before increasing the size. The slower the better.
There was a lot of chasing around today and Amelie thumping but for the last 3 - 4 hours they've been a lot calmer and Hector's been grooming Amelie. Let's hope it stays this way!! :)
Oh vegan bunny I didn't see your comment! I had the litter tray out right at the beginning and after two hours I put two in - because otherwise wont they just wee everywhere?!!
Update: It's the fourth day and last night was a quiet night but today it's just like the day before - Amelie has now resorted to just sitting in the corner and I think she's too scared to sit in the litter box so I've taken it out (but seriously will they not just wee everywhere and get really dirty?!) She's still squeaky and digging a lot of the time. I'm thinking about just stopping the whole thing as she's such a nervous wreck :( Hector on the other hand is completely relaxed.
What do you guys think is there any chance of things working out or am I just stressing little Amelie out for nothing???
..And just after I write that reply Amelie calmed down and is being groomed by Hector, hopefully she won't get nervous and jump away from him :oops:
:lol: Isn't bonding fun?

I put a towel down and put loads of hay on top so when they peed it was just soaked up by the towel. You could put a blanket or something down (that is completely neutral!) to soak up any pee.
I definitely found the litter tray to be a big problem so I do think it best to leave it out for now and maybe reintroduce it after a couple of days (neutralised of course) and see how they get on. :)

It sounds like it is going well. Don't panic too much. I did a trio bond and one of the buns was absolutely terrified and I was close to just giving up...but stick at it and I bet you they will settle soon. Just don't rush things; that was where I went wrong. My trio are now really loved up, there's always going to be a bit of chasing and fur pulling but generally my rabbits are very happy. :)
Ahh good idea with the towel! I'll pop one in there now then, although I think they've both just started weeing in one corner haha which is also good. I think the problem is they both want to be the dominant one - although I see them both grooming each other they also put their heads together and just push the other one or try and get their head under the other one! I hope that one of them back downs soon :!:
Thanks for the advice I'll continue to update :)
Ahh good idea with the towel! I'll pop one in there now then, although I think they've both just started weeing in one corner haha which is also good. I think the problem is they both want to be the dominant one - although I see them both grooming each other they also put their heads together and just push the other one or try and get their head under the other one! I hope that one of them back downs soon :!:
Thanks for the advice I'll continue to update :)

Fiver and Xena were both very dominant. I had the same problem and it was really touch and go whether they would bond but finally Fiver submitted. Their bond wasn't very close, though, and quite often Fiver was getting very frustrated because Xena refused to groom him or show him any affection. That was why I decided to bond Shadowfax with them (this was a big decision and I wouldn't recommend it to anybody because trios are iffy at the best of times) and now Xena and Fiver are excellent with each other and Fiver gets the affection from Shadowfax and they all work really well together. :)
Haha I love the names!! I dreamt last night that we got a third bunny, I told my boyfriend this morning and he was like "no" :lol: two bunnies are complicated enough for us!
Last night was pretty long as every time I fell asleep they were chasing each other again! But during the day they've been very good. Both buns have groomed each other (although Hector did try and bite Amelie as she stopped grooming him to groom herself) and there has been some chasing but otherwise they've been nice to each other (probably so worn out from last night). It's just funny how sometimes Amelie is completely fine with Hector being so close to her and other times she'll get so scared even if he isn't doing anything! Half of the time he just sits there whilst she madly jumps around thumping :lol: