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Rabbit climbs on me.


Young Bun
If I lie on the floor or on the bed, my rabbit frequently jumps up and sits on me. What is he trying to tell me?
I get it too. I think it's "you're there so I can get higher". I often get my clothes rearranged if they're too baggy (they don't like baggy fur :p) or dug at if I'm in the way. I think I'm just a part of the furniture unless I have something they want, or they're feeling affectionate. So a particularly lick-able and cuddly piece of furniture.
My are conatntly climbing on me, digging and nipping my clothes. They are just after some attention. It's like a kid tapping you constantly and saying "Mam, Mam, Mam!". :lol:
You say attention, but when he hops off and I go to touch him, he wiggles his tail rapidly, flicks his back legs and bounds away!

Ah, but touching is not the same as attention! :lol: Lots of buns don't like being touched or picked up, but still like to be close to you, hence the 'mum is a climbing frame' act. Some get better with time and will snuggle down for strokes, others remain fairly skittish. He may also be playing with you, I had a bun who would come up to me, then hop off when I went to touch her. She used to sit and look at me until I went to her, then she'd run off again, and so on and so forth until one of us got bored. Rabbit game of chase. :lol:
Ludo often climbs on me. Yestrday it was because I'd spilt jam on my jumper that he kindly cleaned off so I didn't have to wash it. :lol:
You say attention, but when he hops off and I go to touch him, he wiggles his tail rapidly, flicks his back legs and bounds away!

My bunnies do this too, especially Toshi. If he sees me cuddling Paige, he has to hop up next to her and make sure I am paying attention to him, despite the fact that he hates to be cuddled! Rabbits don't necessarily want you to be petting them, they just want you to coo and feed them green leafy things :lol: