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Probablya silly question....


Young Bun
I have noticed lots of mention of taking rabbits in the car for bonding....

what exactly does this mean?? am going to have to rebond frank and bitsy soon

do I put them in a basket together and drive around?am I being really dim?

or as I have an estate type car do they go in the back loose??:? presuming not...
Commonly they would be put in a carrier and then driven around a bit. (with a spare person to watch them) the idea is that the stress of the car journey will make them seek comfort from each other and bond quicker.

It's often not needed though unless it's a difficult bond. An easier option can be to run the hoover near them for a bit. :)
The idea is to put them both in a large pet carrier and they will be so nervous about going out in the car they will snuggle together for comfort and bond.

That's the theory anyway

edit to say that the car is also neutral territory
generally just the once. You don't want to stress them out too much. If you can turn it into a vet trip or something all the better I reckon.
Yep did this myself recently, 20mins or so in car in pet carrier and then placed both into another new territory sorted out the bond.
Good luck.