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Please please help. U/D Twinkle has died.

Hi Sue, I know it's a terrible time for you but I would go and collect her as soon as you can, Dobbin needs to be back in a familiar environment to say goodbye to his girl. I do know how you're feeling right now having lost several buns at the vets and even for a bloke, it brings on the waterworks :cry: Bring them both back and say your goodbyes as a family.
Yep, thats what we are doing. They were together for two hours once she died, do you think thats enough?

He is coming in the house for a few days and we will bury her tommorrow.

Its horrid, hurts so much

I am so sorry that you have lost Twinkle.
I have just read the whole thread and am so sorry. :cry:

Rest in peace Twinkle.
I have no words to convey my sadness & sympathy for you at this time.
No one could have done more or fought harder for Twinkle than you did.
Rest in peace little girl. You shall always have a place in our hearts.
Yep, thats what we are doing. They were together for two hours once she died, do you think thats enough?

He is coming in the house for a few days and we will bury her tommorrow.

Its horrid, hurts so much


I think 2 hours is probably enough although I would give him another hour at home maybe? I'm guessing that the acceptance will come for Dobbin when they are in a familiar environment. When our Denzi & Thumper died we kept them in our room overnight in a box after Dee had said her goodbyes, Denzi was cremated, Thumper was buried in the garden.
Poor Twinkle.....my eyes are full of tears just reading your thread! You look after yourself and your furry boy. Our buns are our family, will love them and miss them terribly when they leave us. Your did everything you could for your lovely girl, bug hugs xxxxx
Oh gosh, I'm so so sorry to hear this. Our thoughts are with you. We still haven't got over losing our little Squidgy man, but take comfort in the knowledge that he had the best life possible, as did Twinkle.
Binky free Twinkle and give Dobbin an extra big cuddle from us.
Thank you all. He is in the house with us and Twinkle is in the shed laying in her favourite spot, all wrapped up.

I dont know how i will stop crying at the moment. I can't believe she is gone.

Sue, she is in the best place possible at the moment, and it's quite clear you have done the best for her. Time is the healer for both you, your husband and Dobbin. If you can, go to sleep knowing you have done all you can, and celebrate her life. I know it's easier said than done but you need to stay strong. Our thoughts are with you tonight.
So sorry to hear that the poor wee mite didn't come through it. Although you'd never think it normally rabbits really are such delicate wee things. You did absolutely everything you could for her and if all pet owners had your attitude there'd be no need for rescue centres.
Sue I have just read through the whole of the thread and you did all that you could for your little baby, I am so sorry you lost her but she is at peace now and pain free, she will be looking down on you from the bridge now and she would not want to see her mummy cry. Remember all the good times you all had and hold on tight to them, she knew she was loved.
just read through the whole thread. i am so very sorry you lost her. :cry::cry::cry: it is so hard and hurts so much but you did everything possible. hugs to you. xxx
I am so sorry to hear about your loss :cry: I recently lost my little girl and I think I know what you are going through... Thinking about you!

Sandra and the buns