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Please not my Jazz :'( U/D he's gone :'(

Ive just got gizmo home and he's pacing up and down looking for jazz :cry: I feel so sorry for him. I can't put jack with him because he's not neutered. Poor gizmo :cry: it all came to 500 not including the cremation. I have no idea how I'm going to pay my credit card off :cry:
So sorry - you did everything you could. :cry:

Maybe contact the company and ask to pay it off in smaller instalments without attracting huge amounts of interest...
So sorry to read this, Jazz was a gorgeous, iconic RU Bunny.... binky free beautiful bun, enjoy the lush grass knowing your Mum did all she possibly could for you.
I am so sorry for the loss of your little baby, I feel so sorry for you, you did everything that you could.

Binky free little man.