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Please not my Jazz :'( U/D he's gone :'(

My eyes and face are burning because of the tears :cry: I gave gizmo a slipper (non furry) and he's grroming it like he used to do to jazz :cry:

I nearly lost my Boris a few days ago :cry: But he pulled through and is now recovering. I can,however, imagine how I would have been feeling by now if he hadn't made it :cry: Which is why I'm not letting anyone tell me "it's just a rabbit" ever again. Dealing with the loss of a loved one is always tough. Why do people assume that you can't love a rabbit as much as you'd love a cat,a dog,or a person?

My thoughts are with you and little Gizmo x Seeing that picture of Jazzy from yesterday made me cry. He really was a beautiful boy.
So sorry to hear this, my thoughts are with you and Gizmo. You did everything you could to help him, now he can binky free with all the other bunnies.

Sending hugs X
I'm so sorry, I know nothing I can say will make you feel better but thinking of you and your bunny :(
i too have just had a phone call from the vets to say that my pepper who also had stasis also died in the night,im heartbroken,he was only 6 months old,we only had him since september.my heart goes out to u
aww hunny i know how u feel.my pepper was like a dog,if we stood at the backdoor and called his name he would come running up the path to us,if he was up in our room he would jump on the bed,find your hand and put his head under it,lay down and wait for head rubs,he was so friendly its unreal.im devastated.