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Please give your opinions on this housing idea!


Warren Scout
Okay, currently I have two average sized buns living in this cage

Click here

Incase you can't be bothered to click the link it measures 30" x 18" x 16" (which is 76.2cm x 45.7 x 40.6).

Basically what my hubby and I are planning to do is to buy another one of these cages and take the doors off, then attach the two cages together to make one big one. Does this sound like a good enough idea? Is it okay to have the cages joined only through the open gates and have the bunnies hopping over the join between the plastic bases?

Please let me know what you think of this idea and give me any other ideas if you have any! I really want some feedback from people who know best! :)[/url]

Yes, unless your bun is old/has mobility problems the little jump over the tray will be no problem. How big are your bunnies though, 16" is quite low height wise? If might be an idea to shop around a bit as there are lots of cages in a similar style that might have a little extra head height.

Yeah I know it's kind of low although my two don't seem to mind too much. they quiet happily sit ontop of the lil house I have in their close to the top of the cage...hmm... See my personal problem is that they have so little room width wise, especially for two of them

I'm not sure how big they are...I suppose I should measure them really and see how much room they're supposed to have right?
Finding suitable housing here is a pain. The best solution(in my opinion) is to purchase office storage cubes and construct a customized cage for the needs of you and your buns. A great size for 2 buns is 2 grids deep, 3 grids long, and 2 grids high. You can make them as large or as small as you want and they are fairly inexpensive. If you are interested in these cubes i would be more than happy to give you some more details on them :D
I would love to know more about those cubes, if you don't want to post here then please send me a private message.

As for the dog crates, what do you use on the bottom? I imagine without urine guards that they're too shallow to put normal bedding like wood shavings down so what is the alternative? I've also got another thread about this but don't know if it makes a difference when I'm sure the bottom of those crates are wired right?

Thanks for the replies guys :)
I couldn't think of the name of that website! It really is great, i used it as guide for building my cages! They really are a great alternative to 'normal' housing. Feel free to ask any questions about the cubes because i can probably answer for you!
Some dog crates have wired bottoms but you can get ones that don't, they have metal or plastic trays. You're right though, they don't do a great job on containing the mess. Fixing perspex around the bottom edge or building a tray from corex (like the cavy cube cages site) would help with that. If you're buns are litter tray trainned you can have a deep sided litter tray and then you don't need bedding in the rest of the cage. Indoors it's warm enough they don't really need bedding, just litter in their tray :)

These look great too: http://www.leithpetwerks.com/

SammieHernandez said:
I would love to know more about those cubes, if you don't want to post here then please send me a private message.

As for the dog crates, what do you use on the bottom? I imagine without urine guards that they're too shallow to put normal bedding like wood shavings down so what is the alternative? I've also got another thread about this but don't know if it makes a difference when I'm sure the bottom of those crates are wired right?

Thanks for the replies guys :)

With the cubes though, you wont have urine guards either. You will have to put down lino or some other bottom for the cage.

I'll post some pics of my CC grid cages for you. I've had a few. Thats whats nice about them. You can take it down anytime and rebuild :D





Sorry about the lighting on the last few :roll: :oops:

And I make mine as big as possible. Hey, if you have the cubes, why not?

Ps. You might want to look at carefresh for their litter tray rather than wood savings. It's a paper based cat litter that is safe for rabbits, it's a bit heavier so not quite as messy and very absorbent :)
I'm a big fan of the grid cages! I love mine! And if you need a urine guard, then follow the Cavy Cage directions and use coroplast on the bottom with the edges folded up. My old cage just sat on textured lino(carefull about how slippery it is!), and the only litter I use is in the litterboxes. Accidents are easily swept up or wiped up, so much easier than with a cage covered in litter! Same goes for dog crates, which I also used to use.

Now I have large pens that sit directly on the floor, which is well-textured vinyl.

Oh, and for litter, Carefresh is better than wood shavings but I much prefer wood pellet litter. There's all sorts of brands in pet stores, but you can find it cheaper at farm stores. Sometimes it's marketed for horse stall bedding. It's very heavy, but more absorbent and better at controlling urine odor than Carefresh is.
with the cage being so small, I'd be inclined to take off the top and use the base as a litter tray in a large dog crate with a solid tray bottom - that will contain most of the mess - Shavings make more mess anyway as they are so light they stick to their feet - a paper based litter or wood based pelleted litter wouldn't get so spread around maybe?
I was going to post links to pictures of my cages, but I had to actually go do some work at work! :lol: Anyway, here they are. I don't have a pic of the dog crate on hand, but it was 42" long with a small shelf put in it.

Fey and Sprite's old cage, which was a nice size for them:

My bunny room now (pens made with wire grids)
I agree with elve, your cage is so small that the best use for it is as a litter tray within a larger cage, whether a dog crate or one constructed from cubes.