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please can i see SNOW bunnies

soo can house buns not go out in the snow???

House rabbits do not do well with the temp change as they don't have a winter coat.

I do bring snow inside for mine to play in where they can move away from it if they feel cold
Oooooh flip they're a bit big aren't they :shock: i'll try and make them smaller.

Done. I feel a bit sad looking at those, it's so obvious that Mischa's mouf was right there and is wrong now :(
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So many cute pics! :love:

Here's Storm in the snow...


:shock: Storm is stunning! How have I never noticed this bunny before! My RU faves list has a new member! :love::love::love:
aww thats an awsome idea i shall do that for mine if it snows this year so they can have a snowball fight hehehe

thanks so much for that i didnt know it could harm them i could of risked them getting sick :cry:

heres my ickle black mini lop, looking like butter wouldnt melt:roll:

and her partner in crime mr bo jangles