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Pictures Please .. sealpoint & frostpoint U/D secret revealed


Oh Thanks
Do you have to live in Bradford to get a rabbit from there. I will be looking for a husbun for my little Cookie soon. I am very nervous about it though because she only has three legs after being attacked by her x hutch mate.
I've never come across these terms before, but am I right in thinking Stan might be a sealpoint? (excuse the nugget in front of him :))

EDIT: Have looked a few more pics around t'internet and now suspect he's probably sable. He changes colour a lot during his moult to almost white.

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Oh Thanks
Do you have to live in Bradford to get a rabbit from there. I will be looking for a husbun for my little Cookie soon. I am very nervous about it though because she only has three legs after being attacked by her x hutch mate.

No you don't need to live in Bradford - I don't!!! They will bond Cookie with a male rabbit for you so you don't need to worry about them attacking each other. They will ensure that Cookie has a suitable partner who loves her to bits. They have a lovely bun in called Christopher I love him so much!!!