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Available Individual: Paul, Tri-coloured LOP

As I've said I would absolutely love to take him but we have no room for two separate set-ups so if he didn't bond with Mylo we'd either have to send him back or pass him onto someone else which just wouldn't be fair :(
Its only one way for Paul but a round trip for me.
14 hours was just way too far.
Plus if he ever had to come back!

I'm willing to travel 2.5 hours roughly. Please bare in mind that considering i'm not asking for an adoption fee!

I dont see how im being unreasonable at that
Any news on a home for Paul? This little guy really tugs at my heartstrings when I look at the photos, can't believe he has not been snapped up yet. I really wish I could take him but just wouldn't have time to give him the attention he deserves.
Paul so cute.

:wave: Hello there I have just been reading some of the messages on here about paul, he is so cute if he lived up in Newcastle upon Tyne I would love to have him . My house rabbit Harry is starting to go blind and I am after another rabbit to help him and keep him company I don't work so I am in the house all the time, send him a big kiss and hug from us :D:D:D:D:D
:wave: Hello there I have just been reading some of the messages on here about paul, he is so cute if he lived up in Newcastle upon Tyne I would love to have him . My house rabbit Harry is starting to go blind and I am after another rabbit to help him and keep him company I don't work so I am in the house all the time, send him a big kiss and hug from us :D:D:D:D:D

Paul said thanks for the hugs and kiss but no tongues next time thanks