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Our beautiful Miffy R.I.P


Mama Doe
I know its been ages since i've been on here, but i thought you might want to know.
This morning we lost of beautiful moody mare, Miffy. :cry:
At only 1 year and three months old. :(

We knew she wasn't well yesterday evening, she just sat there with her ears flat on her head. I brought her in to check her over, but she seemed fine apart from her lack of life. At first we thought she was just hot, so we gave her a drink as we thought she might not have gone in the hutch to have one. She had a few laps of a dish, but no more. I took her inside and she sat on my bed with me, she ate a small piece of broccolli but wasn't interested in the carrot. She seemed slightly restless as she wouldn't lie down like she usually would. I put her back on the grass and she just sat there, where as normally she would jump off and race around the garden. And she doesn't usually let you go near her when she's out, she'll just run off. But she let you stroke her and pick her up without a struggle.

My mum went down late at night and gave her a cuddle, Binky was lying next to her. By what my mum told me, I'm sure those moments were ever so close to being her last.

I went down this morning, just before 7, and she was lay at the end of the hutch with her head behind one of the litter trays. I thought she was still alive as her eyes were half open. But i couldn't see her breathing. I reached to touch her and she was quite hard and cold, but not like the guinea pigs had been. She obviously hadn't been gone for very long.

We've moved her into a box and are taking her to the vets for a PM today.

R.I.P our beautiful moody mare, you'll be missed deeply.
Your mummy Sophie misses you lots!
And so do your aunties, Amy and Helen.
Binky misses you tons and he hopes you are at peace in bunny heaven.

Goodbye Miffy, we love you. :love:

Her most recent picture, taken a few days ago:
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Thank you everyone x

Well we took her to the vets along with Binky and they couldn't find anything wrong with her by checking her over. So the vet thinks there could have been something wrong with her heart.
Binky's fine medically, although he is now starting to pine after Miffy now that we've been to the vets.
I felt stupid crying in front of the two ladies as they wrapped Miffy up in a towel and took her away, but they were both so nice and comforting.
Binky will be staying inside tonight and I'm trying to coax him to eat something, I believe he's eating some of his pellets along with some broccoli and hay. I just feel so sorry for him being on his own, he's pining after her atm. I hope it doesn't last too long.

Thanks again everyone, I appreciate your thoughts immensely.

I am so sorry to hear your sad news. Never feel silly about crying over your beloved pets at the vets. When I took Mopsy in for him to be sent away to be cremated I went into the little room with the veterinary nurse and she was lovely. She had a look at him and stroked him and we talked about him and my tears wouldn't stop flowing. I am sure lots of the vets and nurses have animals themselves so go through it too. The vet nurse said to me why do we do it and then we said how much pleasure we get looking after them and giving them happy homes.

Take care
Jane xx
Thank you so much everyone, I appreciate your thoughts.

I just feel so sorry for Binky, sitting out there alone in the garden, not knowing what to do with himself. :(
Apparently today he sat in the hutch where we usually keep the guinea pig for most of the day, he wasn't interested in being out on the grass. Luckily he's eating and drinking, soon he'll have a new friend to binky about with.

Thank you again xxx