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Otto isn't doing so well / We lost him/ PM results post 99, completely heartbreaking

Hoping Otto is doing okay today. Maisie had incontinence that started again once Baytril course was stopped. In the end, she stayed on Baytril for I think six weeks and was never wet again. Might be worth doing a long course of antibiotics if everything else fails.
He is on antibiotics at the moment. The problem is pressure on his bladder because it is too high up in his abdomen and a problem with his kidney :(
I have spoken to my vet again and asked whether we have anything to loose by using propalin.

With his kidneys not working properly we obviously don't want to give him any medication that isn't going to help him so she is sending his notes over to FHB to see if she can give us any new ideas and whether she feels propalin would be appropriate in this case :)
Come on FHB think of something that will give us a bit of hope for the little man!! Lots of thinking vibes ~~~~
Hoping FHB can help. If not, your vet could contact the Rabbit Clinic at Bristol to ask their advice via fax. I know you are covering everything Liz, just want to give you some more support and optionsxxxx
Hoping FHB can help. If not, your vet could contact the Rabbit Clinic at Bristol to ask their advice via fax. I know you are covering everything Liz, just want to give you some more support and optionsxxxx

Thanks Lorraine, my surgery has really good conections with FHB, they have used her before for several of my bunnies and she always gives great advice. But if that throws up nothing Bristol would be my next suggestion :D
Hi, I have just read this thread, I hope Otto is getting better but I am sending you some strength vibes to help you with what ever you have to do. I will keep reading in the hope of some good news.

Love and support for you and your sweet little bun
I have just spoken with the vet regarding Otto. Unfortunately FHB is away so we have been unable to get any help from her :(

However she has contacted the company that produce propalin and discussed Otto's case with them. They generally feel that propalin is not effective in rabbits as their causes of incontinence are so different from cats and dogs. However my vet feels we have nothing to loose so was willing to give it a try.

But what she didn't know is that Otto is deteriorating generally and is booked in to see her int he morning anyway. He has grainy urine and is no longer using one back leg. He is in obvious pain despite pain relief and is not gaining weight despite extra meals :cry: We will discuss any medication once she has reassessed him, we may even have to contemplate his quality of life :cry::cry:
Have only just found and read through this whole thread.
What can I say but poor, brave, beautiful boy! And I know you will do whats best for him (whatever that may be).
He is obviously a very special little bun. A right little trooper.
I have never seen a bun in that state before, but know that you are doing such a wonferful job with him. I dont think I could be as strong as you!

Fingers crossed all will go well. Will be thinking of you and Otto tomorrow.
Hugs for you, and nose rubs for Otto. x
Just read this.... I'm so sorry, poor Otto.

Really hoping your vet is able to find something to help him feel better.

Wishing him lots and lots of luck for tomorrow. XX
Oh hang on in there little Otto! There is a nice parcel on it's way tomorrow! Lots of vibes for the brave little man!