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Oscar bunny


Warren Veteran
Oscar, words cannot express how much I am missing you. I would give anything for you to still be here.

You were my first ever bunny. :love: A very special one you turned out to be. When we got you, we decided that you would be a house bunny. During your time indoors, you chewed through several laptop chargers and telephone wires! I used to love it when you jumped on the sofa to see what I was up to.

I would lie on the rug with you and stroke behind your ears. You would kick your legs out. So funny! Sometimes you would just throw yourself on the floor. It made me laugh so much. Whenever I felt sad about something, a cuddle from you would make everything better. You were always a little bit grumpy, but that's one of the reasons why I loved you so much. If you didn't like something, you would box us and let us know! I thought it was funny the time you jumped on daddy's head in the night. These are the things that I will remember you for Oscar.

After a while of living as a house rabbit, we thought that you might be lonely, so we decided to get you a friend. We thought at the time that another male rabbit was the best option. However, you and The Benjamin hated each other. So instead, we adopted two female rabbits (Polo and Opal) for you and The Benjamin.

We weren't sure that you would bond with another rabbit Oscar, but you and Polo fell in love instantly. You lived very happily together outdoors for some time. We thought that we would lose you both when you caught myxi. It was a battle Oscar but we got through it. Unfortunately for Polo, she never seemed to recover fully from the illness and we lost her 9 months later.

You weren't yourself for some time after this and you developed 'snuffles' which we battled through together. We tried everything to help you Oscar. It wasn't until we went to visit FHB for the second time that we discovered that you weren't going to get any better. You were a very poorly bunny and we had no idea that you were ill Oscar.

I am thankful that we got to spend those last days together indoors, just how you started your life with us. We cuddled and snuggled and you seemed to just want love. You even got up to mischief again, nibbling cables and digging my clothes. :love: On Monday though, you didn't look happy anymore, you were very sleepy and the sparkle had gone from your eyes. I knew that it was time Oscar.

I hope you know just how much I loved you Oscar. You were my life. I talked about you to everyone. You are the reason why I love animals as much as I do. You got me through so much. I have so much to thank you for. I am going to miss you so much. :cry:

I love you my special boy. Please tell Polo that I love her and miss her too. You are together now. Have fun at the bridge Oscar. I will love and miss you forever.

One of my favourite photos of Oscar


With Polo


Playing in the sun




More cuddles


One of Oscar eating :love:


Mischief! Chewing my planning!



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I am so sorry. What a lovely tribute to a gorgeous boy. He really was handsome. :love:

Thinking of you.

Binky free at the Bridge Oscar.
I'm so sorry that it was Oscar's time to join Polo Joanne - he was truly a very special bunny. Your tribute has brought tears to my eyes :cry:

Binky free brave boy, sleep tight sweetheart xxx
A beautiful tribute to a much loved bunny.
Binky free Oscar..say hi to Polo from me
Hugs to you Joanne xxxxx
Thank you for sharing Oscar with us Joanne.
He was a very very special bunny, who has given me so much through the forum.
I empathise with the depth of your loss so prematurely, & look foreward to the time, when your pain will be less, & all the gifts of his life at the forefront of your memories of him.
You are very much in our thoughts.
i am sorry to hear about Oscar..he was a very handsome and special boy.
You rtribute was lovely and showed how much you loved him.
binky free Oscar xxx
A wonderful tribute, Oscar is :love:.

Have fun at the bridge Oscar, your Mummy misses you.

Binky free Oscar and Polo x