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one runny eye?? Help please.

s13 jim

New Kit
Came home this afternoon, after only having been gone about an hour and a half, to find Moe has a runny eye, he didn't before I went out. I've done alot of searching and reading about Pasteralla, roots of teeth etc. Needless to say I'm now rather worried.
If it hasn't cleared up I'll be taking him to the Vets as soon as possible. Please can you look at the images and see if anyone recognises anything. His behavoir is no different. He had his Myxi jab last week could this be anything to do with it?? I hoping he's just caught it on something or something.

Runny eye. ( the photo actually makes it look alot worse than it is)

not runny eye
Have you tried bathing it?

It might be he has something caught it in making his eye run.

Try bathing it with cooled, boiled salty water (one tea spoon of salt to one pint of water), or saline solution. That might be enough to sort it out.

If that doesn't work then a trip to the vets never hurts.

This could be anything. He may just have got dirt in or poked by bit of hay. Wouldn't worry just keep eye on it (hee hee eye) However if it begins to look gooey then just give little wipe. Boil kettle let cool and wipe with bit cotton wool.
Angel has right runny eye it began 6 months after we got her (was rescued with gucky eye but treated and then began again) we had to get it flushed out and antibiotics etc. But to be honest the best thing at mo is eyedrops we use once a day or twice if its gucky. We spent hundreds on flushing and to be honest it irritates it mo so unless she loses her temper we dont get it flushed. She has went 6 month without flushing.
Many reasons why eyes run could be build up of pasteurella or dirt or in Angels case her teeth are very high rooted and press on her tear duct. See how it is 2m and if he seems bad tempered def get it checked, have you looked down eyelid to see if grass seed or anything irritating/stuck in?
Thanks fo rth replies. I'll keep a close eye on him, I'll try the cotton wool bud with disstilled water on it.
Can I ask why? Its the proportions of regular saline, so it's not concentrated if you mix it at those proportions.

:oops:I didnt realise that, I thought it would irritate more and my vet just said to use boiled water. But I know in future so i'l make a note of that to try thanks.
No, that's cool :) You're right in what you say :)

Concentrated salty water was be excruciating! I have used what I have said up there a good few times on buns eyes (and other sensitive areas) with only good affect and no indication from the rabbit it is painful, or that it irritates or anything.
My vet always tells me to boil a very small amount of water, put a tea bag in it and make it as strong as you can, remove tea bag and add cold water so it's not hot then wet cotton wool and clean eye area.
bathe with warm water... i have never used salt before so i probly wouldnt try it tho it might be ok.... see the vet it could be lots of things.. keep an eye on bun for lumps nodules and swollen genitals all signs of myxi...also if it persists could be conjunctivitus which would need eye drops fucilthalmic or tiacil. hope ok x