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Omg!!! Pic added

Thanks for adding the pic - I'd never heard of these before & couldn't get an idea if size when I googled so I didn't see the problem as it looked quite big, but your pictures helped with the scale and no I don't think bunnies should live in that
Thanks for adding the pic - I'd never heard of these before & couldn't get an idea if size when I googled so I didn't see the problem as it looked quite big, but your pictures helped with the scale and no I don't think bunnies should live in that

It is big... For a hamster :lol:
Hi Summer&Skye.
I'm a member on hamster forum, i also have 7 rescue hamsters. All in Barney's or Alaska's.
Is the detolf still available? Would be perfect for my very Shy Robo who doesn't like to come out.

So kind of you :)
Would it fit in a 5 door micra? I'm guessing not
Thank you.
Hi Summer&Skye.
I'm a member on hamster forum, i also have 7 rescue hamsters. All in Barney's or Alaska's.
Is the detolf still available? Would be perfect for my very Shy Robo who doesn't like to come out.

So kind of you :)
Would it fit in a 5 door micra? I'm guessing not
Thank you.

Hi, it fitted in my Citroen c1 when I bought it from ikea :D Obviously it was flat packed, but it could be dismantled if it makes it easier to transport. I have posted it on hamster central but waiting to be approved. It will come without lids. Are you in the greater Manchester area?

It also doesn't include any of the accessories, they are for sale though of you are interested in any! Also should say the cage on top is where he is now so that's not included either (prob obvious but thought I should make it clear :lol:)
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Haha don't worry i guessed that :)

So lovely of you, i'm in Bury. But am being whinged at we have no room, which i supppse are right. Just got excited.
I'll ask around for you. Know a few nutty hammy owners :)
Haha don't worry i guessed that :)

So lovely of you, i'm in Bury. But am being whinged at we have no room, which i supppse are right. Just got excited.
I'll ask around for you. Know a few nutty hammy owners :)

Aw what a shame bury is only 20mins away from me :( It is pretty big, I got it knowing it would fit on top of the expedit unit which I already had, and wanted something that looked attractive in the lounge! Might get some response on the forum although couldn't post a pic for some reason.
Oooh id love this for my rescue miceys .... and would happily make a donation to a rescue IF my hubbs will pick up. Im in blackpool xx
Oooh id love this for my rescue miceys .... and would happily make a donation to a rescue IF my hubbs will pick up. Im in blackpool xx

Let me know quick cos I've taken it apart today! Would be great for mice, I've decided not to get anymore small furries after Grayson but I have been tempted to create a massive playground for mice! It would be so entertaining to watch them :D
Thank you anyways :-( if your ever passing this end id happily pay fuel costs xx

I was going to say I could bring the dogs for a beach trip but they wouldn't be safe in the car with that in there too! I'm so busy at the moment I wouldn't like to say I'll bring it but I'll hang into it for a bit longer...
How come you're not using it anymore S&S?

Hi, I've moved Grayson into a 'retirement home' :lol: I found he was weeing in different places and in his bed (which was wooden) so it was getting a but difficult to maintain and he's an old man now, he wasn't really making use of the space. He's still in a decent sized cage (80x50) but everything's in easier reach for him and it's much easier to keep clean :D