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Barney rubble

Warren Scout
I'm sure this question has been asked a thousand times before, but can u use newspaper in cages? Is the ink poisonious for little buns? Thanx Helen x:p
Well the ink isn't good for them. You can use it if you want, but if they eat it then stop using it :)
I personally wouldnt use it as a permanent feature, but i have used it in our indoor pen that i use for poorly buns (or in the case of one bun i kept her in as she was poorly, then she stayed in for several months!lol).

Its not just an issue of them eating it, as mine didnt bother, but their paws got covered in the ink and as they constantly groom themselves they were licking the ink!

Is your bun litter trained? If so, you could get some lino to line the cage, then add a litter tray with some other form of litter (eg megazorb, carefresh...), so you could just wipe it clean and empty the litter tray. Or line the cage with newspaper but then add a thin layer of hay...
Thank you for your advice on that, i'd seen some pics on here with people putting it in there cages, but when I put some in Barney's cage he just started chewing it all up, so v.quickly took it all out. Lino sounds like a very good idea:D thank you, he's not completly litter trained yet:?
I use newspaper all the time.
I put in their litter trays / areas to absorb urine.
It's always smothered in hay so rarely do they get the opportunity to eat it.
i do this aswell it makes cleaning out much easier !

It does!
In foster hutches, I use the enclosed space as a kind of hidey hole for them so I absolutely stuff it with hay.
They like to wee in it (ofcourse) and all I have to do it take the newspaper, roll it up, bag it and sweep the odd bit of debris!
I put newspaper at the bottom of the litter tray, then the Bio Catolet (cat litter), then hay or straw or both on top of that. That way I don't use up so much of the expensive cat litter, and they eat the hay/straw. I used to use newspaper in other places in the cage (when they hadn't got the hang of the litter training yet) and didn't find it that bad, but it didn't look nice and used to get pulled about everywhere.
I use newspaper and megazorb and hay on top. I have always used it with all my buns - never with a problem. One of them likes to shred it but they don't eat it and it protects the hutches a bit more from urine damage etc.
I've always used newspaper, the often tear it all up but if that makes them happy then thats fine, plus it keeps them occupied and away from walls/curtains/carpet! :lol: One of my old buns used to shred it and eat it, I spent ages trying to stop him but he did it anyhow, and bits of cardboard etc, he lived to 10 and a half, and never had stasis in his life so it obviously didn't harm him!