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New to house bunnies


New Kit
Ive had a rabbit before outside but I'm new to house bunnies! I got my bunny on Friday from a lady who had to re home as he was making her child wheezy. He's 4 months old fully litter trained and house trained. It started off well he quickly discovered how to get in and out of cage by himself. I was made redundant recently so currently at home most of time and the cage is left open whenever im home. Until yesterday charlie was mostly out of cage (through choice) running around exploring looking for corners to chill in and sleep etc.. until sunday night he slept in open and didnt go in his house. Since discovering house yesterday he only came out for 30 mins. I'm worried that he has gone backwards or is it just he likes his house? Should i be getting him out and putting him out of cage to force him to exercise or leave him be for a bit longer to settle in? He is fairly tame he'll come right up to you when out and sniff your legs etc.. but runs off it you attempt to stroke him when out!
I think this all sounds like pretty normal bunny behavior. My bun Hugh is a great big baby and any time a loud noise startles him or a light goes on he's not expecting he is prone to go lay down in his cage where he feels nice and safe for a few hours till he's recovered. :lol: I wouldn't force your bun to come out, it might give him bad associations with being out, or with being in his cage and he might not feel safe there any more!

Hugh also prefers his cage to sleep in out of all the places in his room, don't know why he's obviously just most comfortable there, so maybe your bun is just trying to work out his own preferences in his new home.

Good luck at the vets, hope your bun gets a clean bill of health! Is he already neutered?
No I'm going to ask them to check if he's ready when there! He's only just 4 months old so about right time but vet said they'd need to check if testicles are developed. If they are will get him booked in. Is it better to maybe leave it a month til he's more settled?
Had to kick him out for little while as needed to clean him out he's not used litter tray he's been going "home" to toilet. He seems ok though just milling around cage is all ready for him to return but he's too busy being nosey to go back (there are a few new tunnels etc.. in livingroom since he last came out so he's quite intregued