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Rimmi is a breed standerd flat face nethie... he doesnt have dental problems yet and is almost two



Smiling for the camera!! CHEESE!!!
and dq'd for teeth problems with the breeder getting a talking to from the judge!

Can I just ask if they check a rabbits back teeth then when showing, as if it was back teeth that where causing a problem then how would a judge know. I accept that if it was a front teeth problem or an obvious back teeth problem that a rabbit would be dq'd
Sunshine and twinkle my first thought is sone sort of pastuerella. I had a nethie with that he was kept in the house. It's not nice and is hard near impossible to get rid of.

Out of all my rabbits the most vocal is sully the beveren in my avatar. I'm always telling him to breathe when he's eating lol.

Nethie wise I get a lot of the ones iv bred back for bunny sitting and up to now they are all fine with teeth breathing etc.

They are more predisposed to problems but if people take the time then the issues shouldn't be there. I think a lot of problems happen because there are people breeding them purely as pets whether it's to make money or whatever their reasons so they never keep any on and they don't know where they go to
as homes. So unless someone who bought from them went back and said they may never know they are having problems. Or worse they may know but not
care :?

The oldest rabbit have here that I have bred myself has just turned 3 and she is fine. I have the one I mentioned earlier Evie I also have boo who is 5 and yoda, Jin and budgie who will all be 5 this year and they have no problems
that's the oldest nethies i have in fact yoda would give most young buns a run
for their money lol and he is a very flat faced nethie. It's all or pretty much
all in the breeding of them.

Edit to add I have found that the pet nethies I had with teeth problems generally ended up with other problems and didn't live as long as ones without any problems. So there is obviously immune system stress when they have underlying problems with teeth
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Can I just ask if they check a rabbits back teeth then when showing, as if it was back teeth that where causing a problem then how would a judge know. I accept that if it was a front teeth problem or an obvious back teeth problem that a rabbit would be dq'd

They can't really check the back teeth but any evidence of drooling or weepy eyes would be dqd. My OH tends o run his fingers along the cheeks as you can usually feel if spurs are developing just from having our pet ones who did have teeth problems. Also they tend to be pretty bad at eating hay when they have back teeth issues and the nethies won't eat the whole pellet in their food so you get crumbly bits left in their bowls all a good indicator that there's problems going on.
Sully, thanks I have thought of that too. Will look it up, just incase I ever come across anything like that again. :)

No problem :) usually if it's pastuerlla the snot may start clear but can look creamy. They tend to sneeze with it too. Baytril and equivalents won't touch it as far as antibiotics go it has to be a bit out of the box but as far as I know there is no cure. It's very contagious too and can pass on very easily.