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Need help with a real cute name for my bunny please

kumquat, pumpkin, Titan, flame, sunny...

mt fave is pumpkin i think. I also liked gingernut that someone else suggested.
How weird is this, nothing seems to stick!
I don't know why!
I'd like something catchy, cute, clever. I usually have zero problems with naming anything.
I don't know if this is a male or female but for some reason I'm thinking female. Color seems to be changing to a real lynx color, orangish color is still on the back but the buff is coming quick. This bunny is a eatting macing and growing so fast I tell ya! :shock:
Thnaks very much for the suggestions but please keep them coming!
One will stick I'm sure.
Found her (Ihope) name.
It's what a rabbit does when they jump in the air akick their feet and throw their head when happy.

Thanks to all of you who helped, many awesome names!