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Myrtle... U/D pg. 63 - lost her fight...

I'm really sorry to hear about Myrtle, Faye :cry:

I hope your own buns and the fosters stay well. It must be a worrying time for you.

Oh dear:?
I've just caugt up reading all the threads about this situation:(

Can I just ask, Who is paying for Myrtles vet treament now? I can't do much to help but would like to offer a contribution towards Myrtles vet care if it's needed.

Still haven't quite read through everything but sending lots of "please be well vibes" and "desperately hope the other buns are ok vibes" x x x x
Sue very kind of you..and one other kind person has offered to help too!

you can either pm me for my details or pm Faye direct and send a donation to her..up to you..once again thank you:D
What an awful situation for all concerned. Just to check Kim are you or your friend BRC members? If so this will need declaring to the BRC as an outbreak.

My understanding is that if Myrtle and her babies pull through the babies will be immune to to Myxi - has a foster Mum been located if she does manage to give birth as she is unlikely to have the strength to rear them herself.

All fingers crossed here.
Oh Faye! Sending as many vibes as i possibly can! if you need anything faye PM me i had two buns get myxi and both survived, they were both vaccinated i grant you but samson was extremely ill for over 2 months xxxxxxx
If Myrtle was vaccinated at 4months and is now only 9months she would be within a 6month period of cover and would stand a fair chance of beating the myxi.:) Also if she was vaccinated she will probably have nodular myxi which has a better prognosis.
Chelsea was at the very end of a 6month period following vaccination and her myxi was nodular.
You would expext to see one or two tiny lumps appear on the face around the nose/mouth area very soon after the weepy eye, followed by more lumps by the ears and then all over.
Most rabbits take about 6weeks to recover but Chelsea took nearly 5 months. The first few weeks are the hardest. Chelsea's recovery was hindered by a severe reaction (which I gather a lot of buns have) to Xenex ( an anti-flea & mozzie treatment) and by the fact that she is quite an old bun at 10yrs.

I feel for all of you involved as myxi is a worrying illness.:( Please try not to give Kim a hard time-there is nothing to be gained by that. We all make mistakes- we are none of us perfect and if she has made mistakes I'm sure she will learn from them for the future.
Jane is right in that the priority is to care for any buns that might be affected now.
SEnding HUGE healing <<vibes>> for Myrtle and any babies[/COLOR]-Sue:)
Oh Faye......this is SO terrible, and I am SO sorry to hear about it. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

I hope and pray that Myrtle will manage to pull through, and that your buns and all of the buns in your care are going to be okay.:cry::cry:

::HUGE hugs:: xxxxx
have been thinking of you all night Faye.

Really hope Myrtle is doing o.k & sending vibes that all your buns remain well.........

I am gobsmacked by the whole situation:cry::cry: I pray that you have been told the truth and that Myrtle was vaccinated - it will stand her in good stead.
Having had a bun develop full blown myxi I know how awful it is and the fight to save them seems to take forever - however, we lost that little man and I will NEVER forgive myself:cry::cry::cry:
Two of our vaccinated buns got myxi last year but thankfully, they got nodular myxi and survived:D:D:D
I love buns dearly and to think that people who frequent a forum where advice is always given about Myxi and VHD, well, it beggars belief that someone could do that to them
Faye, I pray with every part of me that your buns will be safe and no-one will be affected by this awful disease:cry::cry: I pray too that Myrtle was vaccinated and can fight this.
I am sending so many vibes to you - I know you must be going through hell and we are all there with you.
Thinking of you all - xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I really hope she has been vaccs at some point, and if so, the vet can be contacted to check.... at least that would give some slight, ray of hope in this horrible situation!

I had a terrible night sleep and thought about you Faye.... really hope theres a happy ending to this totally avoidable situation. Hugs for you and vibes for Myrtle and everybun else. :)
trying get hold of mate but wont answer phone.shes registered with the pdsa in stoke thats alls i know.sorry.ill keep trying get hold of her.anything to try put things right.x:cry:
I Hope Myrtle can fight this or at least be left to go with a bit of dignity:cry:. Myxi is horrific and I am disgusted that an owner can play "russian roulette" with their animals for a measely 15quid vaccination !!!! :censored: Thank goodness she is in good hands now and will not be allowed to suffer. The thought of that happening makes me feel physically sick.
Kim I suggest you tell your friend not to get any more rabbits. She does not deserve them.