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my pets@home today


Mama Doe
well some of them.....

Hello from Perry


and Clover


and Peter and Poppy


and some indoors
Monty and Gypsy Moth




and Poppet






thanks, Polly is a gem, she was picked up by the RSPCA with her leg caught in her collar and had got embedded into her body.RSPCA paid the vets bill and put her up for adoption.
I had to talk my OH into taking her as we already has plenty of pets but he loves her now and admits she is the most affectionate cat we have ever known.:love:
If your fluffy Choccy tabby had a bit more ginger he'd look exactly like my Bridge kitty Mog :love:

Beautiful animals. I have such a soft spot for big fluffy kitties :D How old are they now?

My Ollie is 13 and has difficulty maintaining his coat but won't let anyone groom him (and he has razor claws) so we have to get him trimmed at the vets :(
Such healthy happy fluffballs. Congratulations. The spaniel is SQUEEEEEEE...
I really should remind myself how to post pics...
If your fluffy Choccy tabby had a bit more ginger he'd look exactly like my Bridge kitty Mog :love:

Beautiful animals. I have such a soft spot for big fluffy kitties :D How old are they now?

My Ollie is 13 and has difficulty maintaining his coat but won't let anyone groom him (and he has razor claws) so we have to get him trimmed at the vets :(

Monty is 5, Gypsy Moth 3 and Polly we do not know as she was a rescue cat.