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My Nancy bunny at vets very ill.

Not happy with Nancys progress

Help or advice please. I see no improvement with Nancy or evidence of her eating or pooing, but hard to tell as she is with Sunshine. She just sits in the corner of her hutch and doesn't even seem to want Sunshines companionship. Vet said not fresh veg, just excel pellets and hay. They are both new to excel and not that interested in it. There is poo in the litter tray, but not much, not as much as usual. The only other thing she is allowed is 2 ml of pineapple juice, which I gave her at about 2.30 pm after the baytril.
If she is not eating or pooing she needs to go back to the Vet. Is she receiving any pain relief ? What about fluids ?
Nancy has had 2 ml of pineapple juice at 2.30 pm. I have not heard either of them drink, as they are in the next room. But was out for 3 hours. She is in exactly the same spot, does not appear to have moved. Would an offer of some vegetable be harmful, after all they are used to fresh veggies every day. But vet said no.
That does sound very odd advice from your vet, on many levels.

When mine are ill I provide a buffet to tempt the with anything.

I would think maybe you need a different vet.

maybe post in Rabbit chat with 'good rabbit vet needed in X urgently'.
no pain relief. I remember asking my old vet about pain relief when she had her 2 ops 2 years ago but only provided for a few days, can't remember why but he gave me a reason why it would not be good in the long term. The new vet, as we re-located from South East London seems to know what he is talking about and said he had seen alot worse impacted bowels. I don't know whether to stick with him or try one I only heard about on Friday in Twickenham.
Many thanks to Jill for listening to me. Phone vets, thankfully it is the one who treated Nancy. Taking Nancy and Sunshine to the vets at 9 am tomorrow and he is going to have them for 3 nights to moniter her eating and pooing. Sunshine is going so they won't be miserable apart, even though she is snubbing him at the moment.
Could they not see her tonight ?

Not wishing to add to your distress but if she is not eating, pooing or moving then tomorrow may be too late. Also she needs pain relief.
Many thanks to Jill for listening to me. Phone vets, thankfully it is the one who treated Nancy. Taking Nancy and Sunshine to the vets at 9 am tomorrow and he is going to have them for 3 nights to moniter her eating and pooing. Sunshine is going so they won't be miserable apart, even though she is snubbing him at the moment.

What about tonight?

If she isn't eating or is in pain or is dehydrated then she needs help tonight. Tomrorow may be too late.
I asked him twice and he said tomorrow would be fine. Nancy move if I get her out of the hutch, she has shown some interest in the chinchillas. Also watching me. Looking at her I wonder if the original problem of wheezing isnt the problem. At the moment she is watching me, watching her. She just briefly washed her faced. Its going to be a long night. She just tried to climb into the chincillas sand bath. She is definately not well, but at least showing some interest in things around her.
I guess it is totally my fault. I have had rabbits for 12 years but none have had health problems, they passed away as old bunnies. I now know I should have provided much much more hay, not just veggies and rabbit muesli. But I knew never to give them those so called bunny treats. Oh she looks so cute now giving herself a decent face wash. Its like she has some energy but very poorly, if that makes sense. Like she is interested but cant be bothered to make an effort.
I maybe wrong, but put down some greens for Nancy and she is eating them, that has to be a good sign. When I questioned the vet on the phone, he said could give diarrhea, but not make impacted bowel worse. So I think its best she shows interest and eats just a small amount as she ignored the excel pellets, but then she had never had them before, actually Sunshine not interested in them either.
I too hope Nancy is still fighting this morning.

Also please remember we all make mistakes and all we can do is learn from them. Also, if it helps, I would also have provided greens.
Nancy is at the vets with Sunshine. I told the receptionist I gave her greens. I don't think it was an issue. But she also confirmed that on Saturday she was bright and eating and pooing. I wonder if it is something else, or she is depressed. She has lost weight, but not rapidly. Going to have a kip now as had a bad migraine. Partner not very supportive. :(
I hope she can get the hep she needs and I also hope you feel better quickly. Migraines totally suck.