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My Darling Billyboy x

So sorry for your loss what a beautiful poem it was obviously he was well loved and cared for :(

Run forever free at the Bridge special Billy Boy xx
Thank you all for your replys x

I wrote from the heart. As all of you here, you don't want to lose them at all. I ask all the time, why? I hope one day I will get the answer to why they have to suffer :(

It is a pain most of us here know. One good thing, I do know in time the pain slowly goes away. I still shed tears over Honey & she cossed over the bridge, 9th June 2008. But I can now smile when I think of her :love: In time I will be doing the same for Billyboy :love: We all need time to put our hearts back together.

that was a wonderful tribute brought tears to my eyes
your right it does get better just takes time sorry for your loss hun {{hugs}}