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Mum mounting baby


New Kit
Hi wondering if anyone can help. We adopted 2 rabbits Friday Mum and Daughter. Mum is apparently around 1 years old and baby is 8 weeks old. We've let them roam around the house today and have noticed Mum mounting baby and she keeps running away. I've read a few things online suggesting they're bonding/Mum is showing authority but also read things saying we should separate them? Would really appreciate some advice. Thank you
Hi wondering if anyone can help. We adopted 2 rabbits Friday Mum and Daughter. Mum is apparently around 1 years old and baby is 8 weeks old. We've let them roam around the house today and have noticed Mum mounting baby and she keeps running away. I've read a few things online suggesting they're bonding/Mum is showing authority but also read things saying we should separate them? Would really appreciate some advice. Thank you
Are you certain the baby is a Doe ?

I assume the Mum isn’t yet spayed if she had a litter just 8 weeks ago. So she will be very hormonal at the moment.

Are you certain that she isn’t pregnant again ?

If the mounting is continuous then you are likely to need to seperate them as it will stress the baby out and stress can trigger serious gut problems in baby Rabbits.

What is their accommodation like ?

Have they both been Vet checked and vaccinated ?