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moving house

When we moved it was quite stressful all round!! We had to move four buns and the cat. We kept the buns in the hutches till the last minute then put them in together in their carriers for the journey. Oh and my dad took the hutches whilst I followed with the buns. i put some food in the carriers and attached water bottles. The area for the hutches was already prepared so all we had to do was set them up. We left the buns inside the new house where it was quiet whilst we did this. Then put them in theie new home, they loved exploring. It was funny as the buns were all nice and comfy but in the house we had nothing unpacked or anything!!
The best thing to do is to put them into a bunny hotel or let them stay with friends / family until you're moved. Get their hutches or other living space ready, then move them into it. That way, they go on a little holiday and come back to a nice house! :D

Gemma xx
is she an indoor bun if she is then put her in a safe room like the bathroom or spare bed room untill all is sorted then let her out and watch the fun
then what i did as sort out that room first settled snow in ect then unpacked we have been here 5 weeks now after the first day or so she settled down
I am moving soon too and hate it. I have 4 cats, 4 buns and 2 guineas to move. They all get stressed but getting their little area ready is the best you can do. At least then they can get settled!!!! Good luck I know how it feels. xxxxxxx
We moved the bunnies (only had 3 then) round to my dad's for a couple of weeks whilst we sttled in and sorted out their new accommodation. This seemed to work quite well.
Well, i moved house last week, hence why I haven't been posting. Totally lost without my broadband for a few days!!!

We tried to make it as stress free as possible- I bought a large carrier, attached a water bottle and some food and popped them both in for the 20 minute car journey. Tinker took it in her stride and was a great comfort to Dillon. They have the 3rd bedroom as their home so I popped them in there strait away to get used to the new smell etc.
Don't know if this works, but I talked to them the whole time in the car, telling them about their lovely new house- maybe the sound of my voice was soothing. who knows, or perhaps i'm just nuts:lol:
When we moved recently, I left Bertie and Daisy in their room until very last then put them in their carrier. The first job at the new house was getting their cage and pen set up and they went straight in. They were then left quietly to get used to their new room and they were absolutely fine with it, nor problems at all. Good luck!!