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Mot eating caecal poos

Fairy Angel

Alpha Buck
Over the weekend I have noticed that Alfie is not eating all his caecal poos, he's a bit mucky around his bum because of this but I have cleaned him up. He also seems to be drinking more than usual - any ideas anyone please?
Try a hay only diet for a couple of days julie, he may just be getting to much rich food, if your really worried though take him to the vets
My Jasper doesn't eat his special poos either, he seems to step on them and they get all squashed on the floor and in the hutch. He doesn't seem to eat hay either.
Phill said:
Try a hay only diet for a couple of days julie, he may just be getting to much rich food, if your really worried though take him to the vets

Thanks Phill. Will get Chris to change over to hay only, though will be slightly awkward coz of Tilly. May take him to the vets as it looks like I'm going to have to take Smurf on Weds anyway.
The main reason they dont eat them is there diet is too rich and theres no need. They eat then to digest them again to get every bit of goodness out of there food.If this carrys on you are at a great risk of fly strike because of a pooy bum. val