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Milo has ear mites!


Warren Veteran
This little rabbit seems to get everything going these days, poor little man. :?

On the bunnies weekly check I noticed the tell tale flaky skin on the inside of Milo's ear on his right, he is scratching a bit and shaking his head now and then. His ear is also quite red and inflamed and flaky on the inside (I had a look with my scope)

It's not bothering him too much right now but I've got some Xeno 450 on the way, I'm just hoping that he's ok for 24 hours whilst I wait for it to get here. I wouldn't trust the Hartlepool vet to look at him anyway.

It couldn't have happened at a worse time, my parents are away so usually I'd get them to pop him into the vets but luckily I spoke to Jo and after explaining the symptoms she told me to treat him for mites and see how he goes. I'm 99.9% sure its ear mites.

I know mites are common, but I can't help but worry after Milo has just got over his second bout of stasis and a head tilt. I'm keeping a vigilant eye for any signs of a head tilt returning or any signs of infection.

I wonder if I'll have to treat Finn eventually as well? Does steam cleaning get rid of mites? I know I'll have to be vigilant with cleaning.

I may have to take out their cotton rug as well, if I can steam clean it that's ok but otherwise ill have to be rid of it.
I was told to treat both my buns when they had mites.

Hope they clear up quickly x
I think I will treat both, I'm worried about Finn getting it as I've seen him licking his ears a lot, the close contact is bound to have him get it too. knowing my luck!
Anyone know of anything else I have to do when mites turn up? Ive been reading a lot of things saying I should take the rabbits out of the enclosure and house them somewhere else for three weeks so any mites in there can die off?

Is that right? I don't really have anywhere else for them to go. x
Me again, but any time that I treated for mites I washed the blankets at high temperature and hoovered the room out. I couldn't move my buns anywhere else either :)

I did take them out of the room for a wee while though and I sprayed a mites spray, was one that I got in PAH, a johnsons one if I remember correctly.
Me again, but any time that I treated for mites I washed the blankets at high temperature and hoovered the room out. I couldn't move my buns anywhere else either :)

I did take them out of the room for a wee while though and I sprayed a mites spray, was one that I got in PAH, a johnsons one if I remember correctly.

Thank you Kermit, I might put the pen in the kitchen and steam clean everything, I cant treat him until the Xeno 450 comes anyway but I do think its due tomorrow. Wish there was something I could do to help until then :( x