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I cleaned the shed out at the weekend and moved the hutch which is on little stilts and there were 6 mice under the which have made a nest.

After I ran out of there screaming and piked myself up off of the floor where I tripped over the little door I took a closer look.

They are only field mice but I wanted to know if they cause any harm to rabbits at all or should I do something to keep them out?

Thanks very much and I hope everyone has a

Happy Christmas and Wonderful New Year

In theory they could carry diseases. I would get a live trap and then move them to somewhere a distance away.

When we kept piggies in the back garden they had a shed and attached run and under one of the concrete slabs some mice had made a nest, but we didn't find out until the spring and they'd vacated it by then. If they are field mice it'll probably just be temporary for the winter, I don't think they'd like the constant human invasion for very long.
I don't think field mice are considered to be pests, I'm sure I read somewhere they are quite rare and are protected. You could get into trouble if you disturb them? I might be wrong though. I know grey mice are a pain, but brown ones are ok.

Have you got a local wildlife group near you? They might be able to offer some advice, maybe help move them somewehere more suitable.
I had a problem with field mice a while ago. they kept going into Dylans hutch and he caught some type of lice off them which cost me £70 to get treated. i had to strip his hutch and keep setting traps for weeks in the end we caught about 15 and then we think they got the message. just check your rabbits fur to be on the safe side, however they didn't appear to bother him altho they bothered me. !!hehe
i'd keep them out just to be on the safe side, you never know what they might be carrying, if you spot a dead one panic...

i always keep a couple of them humane type traps set, just to make sure we do'nt get any unwanted guest, and ensure that all mesh on hutches etc is too small for the mice to fit through... but saying that there are 4 invited mice in the shed lol, my ickle petsies, but i don't want the wild kind in there, no matter how cute they look.

Dont wory about moving them field mice arn't protected or endangered, that would be harvest mice, and they're super tiny.

Just be very wary, we often have mice about cos of the buns, but over the summer we had a family move in, then i found a dead one in the shed and a fortnight later i lost a bun to pasturella, a really nasty strain that killed with 2 hours of showing signs of being ill, and within 3 weeks all 6 of my babies were dead. And its almost certain the mice brought it in.