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Messaging people on freecycle CAN work


Warren Veteran
I know the other thread is saying how annoying it is about people on freecycle animals (which I agree with), but I wanted to encourage people to keep messaging people on there offering advice and help into rescue etc. I did that the other day and just got a message back asking how they go about getting the guinea pigs into rescue rather than letting them go on freecycle. It may not work all the time, but it's worth it when it does!

Luckily we have space to take the pigs as we have had few enquiries for taking them in of late. :D
Glad it worked. I haven't heard anything from the people near me going to Amersterdam who need to give up their two rabbits. :( I directed them to here.
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I know the other thread is saying how annoying it is about people on freecycle animals (which I agree with), but I wanted to encourage people to keep messaging people on there offering advice and help into rescue etc. I did that the other day and just got a message back asking how they go about getting the guinea pigs into rescue rather than letting them go on freecycle. It may not work all the time, but it's worth it when it does!

Luckily we have space to take the pigs as we have had few enquiries for taking them in of late. :D

I second that. I've had some success too.
Don't get me wrong - I adopted Broops Bunny from freecycle.. he was advertised as not being allowed to go to;

a rescue (as apparantly they would put him in a shoe box hutch and keep his wendy house for themselves! Hmm :evil:)
a home with dogs :evil:
a home with cats :evil:

So his options were cut down significantly. I emailed the lady and said I have 2 cats but also have several buns who the cats are scared of.. they wouldn't dare hurt the buns :) I explained that rescue's put the animals before themselves and would not put him in a small hutch etc - but she was having non of it! He eventually came to live with us last August. He is lovely!

BUT; people do get tetchy when you try and convince them to keep an animal, afterall if they were that attached to it they would find a way to keep it or taking it to a rescue instead of freecycling it like it was an old chair or something!
I think alot of people dont realise there are rescues for rabbits and gps. I certainly didnt until I got Gizmo and Billy and joined this site. I realise that getting the word out about rescues may mean theres more pressue put on the rescues but hopefully in the same vein the more that people know about rescues the more rabbits will get adopted from rescues rather than people buying from pet shops or breeders.
I think alot of people dont realise there are rescues for rabbits and gps.

True that - Especially when local animal rescue centres are inappropriatly/outdatedly named "XYZ Cats and Dogs Home" you do tend to assume they only have cats and dogs :lol:

Glad there are some willing to listen on Freecycle :D
isnt there an actual pet freecycle now tho?

Kind of. It's called Pets4Life which is a yahoo group but not affiliated with Freecycle in any way. They have mods which have specific animal welfare knowledge so is slightly better than advertising on Freecycle as they will step in if they think something is amiss. I still don't agree with pets being rehomed in this way but it's better than Freecycle I suppose.