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Meet Sammy - Beautiful Boy!, Lionhead cross bunny

he is gorgeous! i will be looking for a friend for my dwarf lionhead once my rabbit has been neutered. if sammy still needs a home i will get in touch, but i hope he finds a home as soon as possible x
Oh how sad :cry: :cry: . I really really wished I had room for him. I lost my English rabbit recently :cry: :cry: :cry: (But have taken in 5 more since then which is why no room) I kept looking, hoping he had found a home.
:cry: :cry: :cry: Run free in the eternal sunshine Sammy - have fun in the lush grass and say hello to my Rainbow Babies for me - xxxxx
Oh dear this is so sad - it really sounded hopeful this bunny might be getting some offers of a new loving home - this seemed to happen so suddenly - poor guy.
Oh no! I'm so sorry, and really shocked. I checked the post to see if he had found a home yet :( .

Poor Sammy - run free, sweet boy.
hi he was a really cute bunny i emailed for him but he had to be put to sleep :( poor fella at least he looked like he was enjoying is bit of time lounging on the floor