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Meet Herman...u.d. 23/01/12

Here are a couple of more recent photos of Herman. You can see the lump under his chin better because it was shaved when the tissue sample was taken.


Well, I'm 99% convinced that Herman's lump has reduced in size a little. Before, it was under his chin and stretched around the side of his face...but now the swelling at the side has almost gone, and the chin swelling feels much more wobbly, rather than hard and taut like before :)

We've decided to hold off with the x-rays, and give him another week on meds to see if the improvement continues

Sounds quite hopeful then Amy. Good news! :)
I've only just seen this thread. :oops:

Herman is a gorgeous bunny...he looks very happy and settled. :)

You can really see the lump in those pics, but I'm glad that it looks to be improving. Fingers and paws crossed that the improvement continues.
Herman needs vibes today, he's a very poorly boy :(

He's gone off his food, and is hardly pooing. The vet seems to think he is in a lot of pain in his abdomen, so he's been admitted for x-rays and possibly blood tests too. We don't know if the problem is connected to the growth on his face, or whether it's just a very unfortunate coincidence.
Some good news...the vet managed to do conscious x-rays...and they didn't show anything suspicious, just a lot of gas :D

We're holding off doing blood tests for the moment because he's been messed around enough for now. We'll go down that route if he doesn't improve in the next couple of days.
Hopefully some more good news about Herman...

The vet wasn't happy about his painful tummy last night, so have him a shot of vetergesic to relax the muscles. He was out of it for a few hours, but then did a HUGE ball of stinky poop and seems to feel much better now! :shock:

He tucked into breakfast quite eagerly this morning, and is actually sitting up, grooming himself and taking an interest in his surroundings...Yay! :D

It's still very early days, but I'm feeling much more hopeful now :D
Good to see a more positive update. :) Bet he felt a lot more comfortable after that poo was out of his system!