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Matted Angora bun.. before and after U/D P/137 NOW.. IN LOVE. Please vote for him


That really is just the cutest little face I have ever seen.
Well done you for saving this little mite and may the Animal Welfare bods deal with the people properly
'didn't know what to do with him'


well, obviously they should have found someone who bloody well did know what to do with him!!


he gets more gorgeous every day:love:
That picture is just the cutest thing! :love: :love: :love:

And what stupid people, ignorance is NOT a reason or excuse! :evil:
Just seen this thread, the pics and story made me cry. God bless you for rescuing this little bun, and sending love and hugs to him.:wave:
Aww, he's just sooo gorgeous! :love:

I can't believe it never occurred to them to ask for help or take him to the vets! :censored: Did they really believe they were helping him?! So glad they've been cautioned. I hope it stops them doing the same thing again.

He's so lucky to have found you! :)
Dylan was neutered on Friday and recovered extremley well..
He was allowed some fresh air tonight although I kept him in a pen so as he didnt exert himself..
For the rotten :censored: who put him through hell..... this little boy is a pure pleasure...
He will soon be getting a wifebun all of his own..:love::love:


He is soooo handsome!! :love::love::love:

Hes the best behaved bunny Ive ever had..... and Ive had many!!
Its as though he says... Please keep me... Ill be a good boy:(
Makes your heart break to think what could have been...
I just hope he is young enough to forget his horrid start in life
Hes the best behaved bunny Ive ever had..... and Ive had many!!
Its as though he says... Please keep me... Ill be a good boy:(
Makes your heart break to think what could have been...
I just hope he is young enough to forget his horrid start in life

Awww bless him :( I'm sure he has mostly forgotten it already as I bet he is having a whale of a time with you, happier and more loved than he could ever have imagined!! Cant wait to see him with a wifeybun too! :D
my eyes fill with tears every time i see an update on this little fella, firstly with anger and sadness at how he was left and secondly, because you have taken him into your family and he'll get the best possible care from now on:love:
Dylan was neutered on Friday and recovered extremley well..
He was allowed some fresh air tonight although I kept him in a pen so as he didnt exert himself..
For the rotten :censored: who put him through hell..... this little boy is a pure pleasure...
He will soon be getting a wifebun all of his own..:love::love:



Well done for helping this gorgeous little bunny, you have done a brilliant job with him, just look at his face :love::love::love::love::love::love:so pleased he is doing well