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Oh Jane, I know how hard this must be. Harry and I were both so taken with little Martha when we came round with Ryan, and she really was a gorgeous bunny and a proper little trooper! You did the very best for her - as you do with all your bunnies - and she was very lucky to have had you and Nomad.

Binky free, Martha.

:cry: :cry: :cry: Sleep well dear Martha - I was so taken with you - such a beautiful girl - I feel I have lost part of myself :cry: :cry: :cry:

Poor Nomad, I hope he gets a new partner soon - xxx
Well I have been sat here in tears reading this Jane. I just don't know how you do it and put yourself through this. You are such a wonderful bunny Mum. Poor dear MArtha and poor Nomad, left to grive. I can't believe he groomed her til the end. What a gentleman. God love them both xxxxx
I'm so sorry Jane, :cry: maybe she wasn't with you long but the time she lived with you and Nomad must have been the happiest times of her life. Binky free little Martha. Xx
Thank you everyone

I am trying to be a brave Bunny but I miss my friend Martha very much :cry:


Love Nomad

OMG my children have fallen in love with Nomad :love: :love: :love: :love: .. My little boy said he feels sorry for him without Martha :( bless him he's only 6