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Looking for a friend for Quag

Gem 333

Warren Scout

I have had Quag for over a year now, and he is an indoor bun and has the run of the kitchen, and pretty much the whole house really. I spend a couple of hours with him a day (more at the weekend when im not at work), and i live with 2 other people who come and go throughout the day, but don't really fuss him like I do.

I think it is time for him to have a little friend to play with while im at work, as I hate to think he is lonely. I would love a rescue bun, but am worried at how he will take to one, as as I mentioned, he pretty much has the run of the house, so will probably see it as his territory.

I would be grateful of any advice you can give.


If you post where abouts you are then someone should be able to suggest a rescue near to you. If you adopt from a rescue then they will usually bond the bunnies for you which saves you alot of stress! You just have to clean the house ready for then they get home to get rid of any bunny smells.
Yes, it isnt really near anywhere, that is the problem!!

Ive had a look and there is nothing.

ill just keep looking!

