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lookiee at our newbie .VIBES ..2 broken legs update FRI EVE POST 86

oh Angie what a poor boy:cry: Why is it everything seems to be bad news lately?
He at least has a chance of a new loving home now..
hope his treatment goes well..and Womble is great for him:D
Aww, what a gorgeous boy! Womble suits him perfectly!! Going to have that song stuck in my head all day now.:roll:
He is adorable. You have such gorgeous buns, Angie. I so wish I could win the lottery - or find a rich man. The former is more likely than the latter:)
Womble suits him :love:

The Boys and Her Ladyship have submitted a fundraising thread so thet they can help raise some funds for his treatment :)
He is soooo beautiful :love:

Big would like to make something to auction for his fund, give her a few days.
well .. I have just had a call from the vets ...

Womble has 2 broken legs ...not one ..
this changes things as it means we cant consider amputation :(

both hind legs have fractures .. the one i spotted is the worst . It is quite bad but the bones have already started to fuse back together .

The other one is not as bad a fracture and has healed more so may even have been done at an earlier date than the worst one .

Because the bones have started healing and he is managing to get about the vet wants to leave things for now and see how he does . We cant pin them because of where the breaks are .

so its going to be a long hard slog of cage rest and pain relief ...followed by another series of x rays to plot his progress . :?
well .. I have just had a call from the vets ...

Womble has 2 broken legs ...not one ..
this changes things as it means we cant consider amputation :(

both hind legs have fractures .. the one i spotted is the worst . It is quite bad but the bones have already started to fuse back together .

The other one is not as bad a fracture and has healed more so may even have been done at an earlier date than the worst one .

Because the bones have started healing and he is managing to get about the vet wants to leave things for now and see how he does . We cant pin them because of where the breaks are .

so its going to be a long hard slog of cage rest and pain relief ...followed by another series of x rays to plot his progress . :?

:cry::cry::cry: Poor Womble :cry:

At least he can have pain relief now - that must make a huge difference to him.
Poor Womble, my heart goes out to the brave little man, imagine how he must have suffered.
So glad he has some help now.
I would like to help him in some way as well if possible.
Will PM you.
poor poor bun

can we still try and help with vets fees?

i have a boarder in at present (French Lop) who the owners adore (really adore - been back already within 24 hours to visit as cannot bear to leave!!!) BUT when taken to vet for his jabs (they had no idea about jabs till I insisted he had to go before I would take him as a boarder) . my vet found he had fractured his foot ages ago and it has healed really very badly and he will almost certainly have sores etc in future.

They have had him since a baby (P@H) and I suspect that he fractured it whilst in their care as he is on wire in their home.

They have NO idea about cage sizes, feeding any greens, caecal pellets and what they are, jabs etc etc etc etc But they really DO adore him.

Where do you start???
:shock: poor sweetheart:(

how on earth did he get into such a state! he must have been in so much pain:cry:
Poor, poor boy, the pain he must have been in:cry: thank goodness he found his way into your care - sending lots of healing vibes for him x