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Look what got left on my doorstep...!!

I was expecting a sad story about a bunny who had been ditched on your step! I nearly burst something when those pics sprang up! Brilliant!:lol::lol:

Teddy bear is such a gorgeous boy. How's the newb getting on?

Teddy is my baby.....I am completely biased towards him:oops::oops:...is it bad having a favourite?:oops:

Maximus the Reximus is doing fine today. He's a skittish boy, but likes cuddles. Oli hasn't met him yet, and it's going to stay that way, for now! I'm waiting for him to come out of his shell!

AND YES....I've been trying to tell everybun how GINORMOUS Teddy is....but no one listened!:roll::lol::lol:

Really funny!! Love the pics, they're great!

Wow! Didn't realise Teddy was as big as that :shock: - he's nearly as big as your lovely little boy!

Really funny!! Love the pics, they're great!

Wow! Didn't realise Teddy was as big as that :shock: - he's nearly as big as your lovely little boy!

No one seems to realise....I'm sure I've said somewhere....and everywhere...that he is a monster!!;)
:lol::lol::lol: Those pics are fab!!

Your little boy is gorgeous!! Teddy is a biggun, hes definately bigger than my frenchie :lol:!! xXx