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Lola - She's sleeping now, forever dreaming U/D P158

Aah, I did not realise she had other health issues and was on abx.

In that case I would think gut dysbiosis is more likely than Dental problems.

I really hope that Lola will respond to treatment and be well enough to come home later today xx

Lola has a recurring RTI with display from only a single nostril, she's had all manner of abx i believe and the vet is now trying azithromycin (Which others may know as Zithromax if you haven't heard of the medical name). :)

I more knew because it was posted on FB and Stef's previous thread yesterday about it, and i had experience of it with Gingey.

Glad you agreed, feels nice to be backed up by someone as knowledgeable as you Jane :oops: :D
Hi everyone,

We went to the vets Calder and I held Lola so tightly, kept her warm and kissed her continuously. We brought parsley, dill and a bunch of goodies which were all her favourites, she slowly nommed 2 sprigs of parsley whilst in my arms. Me and Jay were ecstatic. The vet said she was still bloated but less tense and discharged her. We got back to the house and it all started again, we kept her warm, she's still very bright eyed but the tooth grinding was unbearable and I could bear to see my baby in pain. We phone Harcourt Brown vets and got a referral, she's now there. She's had an xray and it appears the bloat has been formed by a blockage, this blockage however is moving through her small intestine atm, we are to ring at 3pm as she'll have had a second xray to see if there's any progress with the blockage movement. If there is this is brilliant.

Otherwise the outlook is bleak :cry: Chest xrays show Lolas lungs are in very poor condition and that ideally harcourt wouldn't like to put her under, which would be a necessity if the blockage doesn;t move because she'll need to be operated on and the blockage removed in this way.

I'm praying its moved at 3pm, otherwise I just don't know. I'm so so worried. Thank you all so much for the vibes. I've only just got chance to sit down, I'm sorry it's a delayed update. Oh and Gray she did start the new antibiotics yesterday.

Vibes are most welcome.

Thank you everyone, it means the world. Me and Jay are in pieces at the mo, our whole life revolves around our little lady and we can;t bear the thought of anything happening. :cry:
Lola has stumped them. Her glucose levels should be high because of the implication of a blockage. Both x-rays showed blockage evidence...so they were steering towards surgery despite the risk. However her low glucose levels imply otherwise...and 10minutes after her second x-ray little miss egg (Lola) decided to eat.. But she's then still showing signs of discomfort, but is bright and alert and is 'bloated'. They're having a mini conference about it and will phone me back in 2 hours.. :shock:. I'm so worried, but quite humoured because this is typical Lola being difficult! :)
Ok, she made her decision, despite the glucose and Lola's attitude, x-rays indicate a clear blockage and she will now be operated on. I'm so worried, :cry::cry:.

They're opening her up now :cry:
Oh god, I can only imagine how worried you are :cry:

Sending TONS of vibes for your little lady. Do keep us informed xxxxxxx