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Little Ted readmitted for stasis - U/D He's home

Thanks all, just got back from seeing Ted. He's the most pitiful little sight you can imagine - his ear is wrapped in a neon green bandage and he has a collar on as he chewed through the drip earlier. He has been eating a few bits of hay and done 10 poops, spoke to our normal vet and he said he's quite happy at how he's picked up from this morning and that all being well he might be able to come home tomorrow night :D. He is concerned however, at how quickly it's recurred. The bloods won't be back until next week and he said if there's nothing in the results it's possible it's the bonding stress and that we should wait at least two weeks after he's completely better before we think about trying again. So, for now it's a positive update. Let's hope this continues.
Bless your little lad xxx
Harley says "Come on twinnie - get well soon then I can come and play with you and we can be friends xxx

Spoken to night nurse before their phones go over to the out of hours vets and she said Ted's bright and they're still hopeful for him to come home tomorrow. I'll be ringing again in the morning. Thanks for your continued vibes.
Poor Little Ted, sorry he is poorly again but glad he seems to be picking up! Sending lots of vibes for him xxx
Couldn't update earlier as can't get on here from work, but am pleased to say that Ted is coming home tonight :D:D:D We are going to collect him at 6.20, just need to clean up first as it looks like there has been a hay explosion here.