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little junior 2.9.10 - 4.9.10


Warren Scout
It is with great sadness and lots of tears that i have to let you know that cinnabun's new kit passed away this afternoon. :cry:

dear junior,
you came to us as such a shock but we were delighted with your appearance, your little bunny cries were so cute and made our hearts melt! we are so grateful that we got to meet you, even though it broke my heart to hold you in my hand when i found you, i cuddled you for a while then we burried you under a yummy lavender plant, the one your mummy loves munching on so much.

Look out for Bright eyes, she is your aunty and will watch over you at rainbow bridge little darling, and look out for Hatti - he will look after you too. see you there for cuddles xxxxxx

at least i got a pic before he/she passed xxx

:cry: aww im soo sorry, was this the big kit, poor little mite :cry:

yes it was, i thought he would do well because he was quite well fed, but I think the cold got to him, i put in extra blankets and straw but i think because he had no siblings to snuggle up to he couldnt keep warm enough. :cry:
How very sad and what a horrible shock for you.

Binky free Junior it sounds like you'll have some good friends looking out for you at the bridge.
Cinnabun is doing ok, I cleaned out the hutch completely afterwards, I thought if it smelt like him she would be looking for him. Yesterday she was nudging me then nudging the kit, I wonder if she was trying to tell me to warm him up because he was cold.