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litter training


Young Bun
Now peppa has been with us 2 weeks she no longer hides under the table all day but has taken up weeing and pooing everywhere.
She has a litter tray in the crate but doesn't use it 100%, i've read on here about putting hay in there too. When she comes out of the kitchen (thats where her crate is) she just runs around the house weeing in corners and pooing everywhere. the poo isn't such a problem as they can be swept up, but we're constantly scrubbing carpets. One of her favourite places is right infront of the front door so we can't even put another litter tray down. she leaves trails of it everywhere.
is it a territory thing and does spaying help?
speying should help. Are there any other animal about?

Putting hay in there will help it quite a bit. I'm assuming she uses it sometimes so there is already wee and poop in there?

Try not to keep it "too clean".

Could you put a couple more down, in practical places nearby?

I am also trying to litter train my new bun. He had taken to only weeing in one corner of his hutch but pooing everywhere. So I put a tray down in the corner he had chosen, added some hay and a bit of wet paper. I thought at first he didnt know how to get into it but I caught him earlier jump in, jump straight back out, then wee right infront of the tray!!!
It's normal for rabbits to mark their territory in this way, neutered or not, and that side of things should settle. Some rabbits take to using a litter tray easily even if not neutered but others dont (I gather), there's no definite rule.

Keep her to one area until she's reliably using her litter tray, then give her a little further to roam, again checking she's reliably using her litter tray, then a little further, and so on... If the house is large, then you might want to put more than one tray out as you give her more area to spread, it depends how it works for you. (My house is quite small so only one tray for Muppet. And he comes in from the garden to use it, then goes back out :lol:)

Putting hay in/nearby is good, as bunnies like to eat hay so that'll attract her to her tray PLUS bunnies do like to munch as they "go" :D

Probably also a good idea to clean with white vinegar or somesuch, that removes the smell properly so that she doesnt then think everywhere is a toilet! (Even if you cant smell it, she can.)
thanks guys

is that white wine vinegar?
i was cleaning up her mess with vanish carpet cleaner but i've noticed you can still see the stains if you look close.

We bought her a new tray and put it by the front door which she wee's in but she's still leaving the trail of poo's everywhere she goes. She also at times leaks small amount of urine as she's hopping about, is this normal or could it indicate an infection?
I am also litter training my lot. I started sweepin up the poos and putting them in the litter tray and each day is less and less poohs on the floor and more in the tray. 2 have finally got it, 2 others are slow pregress and the other 2 are hopeless. :lol:
Im sure I have read on here that dripping urine can indicate an infection. For now I would make sure she is drinking lots of water and wait for an expert to come along and help out!
My new girl is USELESS...the previous owner said she was a saint and used litter tray. She however poo's and wee'es everywhere....in the last half an hour she has gone three times....im about to cry i have had a ***** day. agrued with the O/H and trying to keep my carpet clean...please tell me this will stop soon. Simon never wee'd everywhere like this. she is leaving her cage peeing and then going back.....::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:
Im sure I have read on here that dripping urine can indicate an infection. For now I would make sure she is drinking lots of water and wait for an expert to come along and help out!

Our Misty leaks a bit as she hops about, would like to know about this as well.
I've tried to litter box my little guy, he goes in two spots, one right next to my door, and the other in the corner in my closet. At first he just went near my door, so I put the box there, but then he moved over to my closet and wouldn't go in the littler box at all. So I moved the box over to the closet, and he goes in it occasionally, but now he mostly goes back by the door. @_@ But, so I don't have to clean my carpet, I folded up a towel, and put coupon clippings on top of that, and I put coupons on and around the litter box as well. This way I at least don't have to worry about him ruining my carpet, and I change the coupons about once every 4 or 5 days. I also pick up all his poo and move it over to the litter box, and leave him treats in there, but he still doesn't use it very often. Since he isn't ruining my floor I don't have too much of a problem, but I'd still prefer it if he were to use the litter box solely.

The funny thing is, that in his cage, he's pushed all of his bedding underneath the second level I built for him, and only goes to the bathroom under there, and no where else in the cage, lol.