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listless rabbit?


thanks for the advice, I do worry that she is lonely, until a week ago, she shared a room with 4 guinea pigs and there was always noise and people squeaking, and now is is by helself for a period of the day

my imediate worry is that she is very strong willed and opininated and bossy - I have been bitten on the backside because she wanted the sofa when I was on it! Last week I was kicked in the eye, because I didnt put her onto the floor quick enough for her!!

so would she need a partner she can boss around?
Is she spayed? If not this would be the first thing to get done, as it would probably calm her feisty behaviour down quite abit, aswell as the health benefits getting a female rabbit spayed holds i.e. removing the risk of uterine cancer which is very common. I definatly wouldnt reccommend trying to bond her until she is spayed as an unfixed rabbit can be very territorial and aggressive with a newcomer, it would be virtually impossible.

If she is spayed already and you just have a lovely feisty girl on your hands, then although it might be slightly more difficult to bond her its not impossible. She will always want to be the dominant one so a placid, submissive (and obv neutered) male would be the best. Ask the people at the rescue centres to suggest a bunny as they will have gotten to know the individual personalities of all of their buns.
If you don't feel confident in bonding her yourself and think it might be difficult ask if they have the time to do it for you as they will be much more experienced.

You've probably noticed theres lots of bunny rescue centres on this forum so why not start a thread enquiring about ones in your area?

she is about 9 months old, and yes we had her speyed (to calm her down!!) it didnt work.

we should have known what she would be like when on seeing her as an 8 week old in pets-at-home we asked the assistant if we could have a look, and on picking her up, she kicked the assistant and sent her sprawling in the sawdust in the pen!!

she ignores our cats, well runs right up to their faces, growls at the dog, and bosses me around?

so it would be quite a rabbit that took her on?
:lol: What a gorgeous girl, I love the feisty madams!
Yes it might be hard to bond her, and it might take alot of perseverance with alot of different buns before she accepts a companion, if she ever does. It's totally your call whether you think it will be worth it all in the end? If you really think shes unhappy and lonely, maybe it is worth giving it a try? If it doesnt work out atleast you'll know for sure that shes happy being an individual bun. You know her better than anyone so its something for you to think about and Im sure you'll make the right one!