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Mama Doe
Just wondering when's the best time to get female bunnies spayed? Mine's 4 months and although not aggressive, not biting (bar the odd nibble when she's had enough), not weeing everywhere (always in tray) she is getting to be a liability. I saw her jump clean 3 feet in the air to land on the top of my o/h's beer fridge and sit there chewing this evening. Whilst entertaining to watch really don't want her to do that when I'm not around and hurt herself so I'm guessing the hormones are kicking in now really. She's also taken to really digging up her food area in the hutch so is a complete bomb site when I check on her before and after work....

Spaying won't stop her jumping:D And might reduce chewing, but it never stopped mine. I once saw a small bun sitting on a 5ft book shelf & no idea how she got there:shock::lol: - 3 foot is easy:lol:

Some vets won't spay until 6mths - others base it on weight, but I would wait until she's at least 5months:D
If it helps with the food mess, we found a way to stop our Giants tossing the metal food bowl around and throwing the contents about - petsmart sell dog bowls that taper a bit towards the top (like a sort of shallow cone with no tip). This worked brilliantly, they can all stick their heads in, but its heavy enough they cant toss it, and even if it is tipped, the sloped sides helps catch some of the food and stop it spilling.

Saved me hours cleaning up!!