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Lactol Ratio For 4 Week Old Babies


Wise Old Thumper
Can any body help me?
I have 4 4 week old babies tha have had to b taken off their mother due to aggression from the Mother due to new born kits :cry:

I am going to give them Lactol - and was wondering if anybody knew the ratio of Lactol?
A baby rabbit of 1 day old would consume on average 2 mls of milk daily. By 5 days the volume would increase to about 12 ml. At 10 days it would increase again to about 15 mls, by 15 days increasing to 22 mls, 20 days increasing to about 27 mls, 25 days to about 30 mls. By 30 days of age you will expect to see a decline to about 20 mls, and by 35 days a rapid decline to less than 5 mls or weaned altogether.

Is the above what you are looking for?
Mix it up according to the pack if you mean lactol to water.

If they are eating solids well then you might get away with out it.
I didnt use Lactol for The Petshop Five whom I reared from about 3 weeks.
I gave them Full Fat Goats Milk diluted 3:1 with cooled boiled water.
I also added Avipro Plus
They all drank it from a bowl really well :)
Can any body help me?
I have 4 4 week old babies tha have had to b taken off their mother due to aggression from the Mother due to new born kits :cry:

I am going to give them Lactol - and was wondering if anybody knew the ratio of Lactol?

I have used Lactol before, just mixed a couple of spoonfuls with a little boiled water to make it kinda like a paste.
My vet recently advised me to use Cimicat next time though.

But I'll also agree, goats milk is better, the kits much prefer it, and it seems to help them gain weight more easily.
Also, you could try to 'encourage' them to eat the caecotrophs (softer poo) of the mother, as this helps them to get the better gut flora (the friendly bacteria) which helps their digestive systems immensely.

Encourage them to try nibbling food and hay at this age, especially Burgess' Junior and Dwarf rabbit pellets, even if you add a little boiled water to them to make them soft and soggy. :)
Thank you.... I have bought some goats milk... do you think I could add a tiny bit of Lactol to the goat's milk?
You could always try alternating? Buns of that age will probably need to be fed two to four times a day.
I don't see why you couldn't add it, but I dunno if it would curdle the milk or anything? I'm not sure to be honest...
Try phoning a rabbit savvy vet to ask what they think?

Or put a bowl of each down for them, they will pick which they like best...Bunnies are pretty smart at any age and can usually decide what is best for their health :)

If any are stubborn about eating, you can buy a feeding bottle made by the same people as the powder, 'Lactol Feeding Set' I think it is...It's perfect for slightly older babies...Those under about 5 days aren't able to suckle so have to be syringe fed until they're stronger
Good luck, but by their age they should be pretty hardy anyway and will hopefully be able to be persuaded to try solid food.
Don't be afraid to tempt them with a little grass, either. It certainly won't kill them!