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Keeping rabbits together


New Kit
Hi all!

I am new to keeping rabbits and just wondered if anyone had any advice with regards to keeping bunnies together? Is it better to keep a male with a female? Or are two females/males better together? Also, if I was to keep two rabbits of any sex, do they both need to be neutered?

Thanks in advance for your help x
Lots of people find the best pairings are between a Buck and Doe. Yes, they need to be neutered. Neutering of all rabbits is advised, anyway, because of health implications.
A neutered male and female pair works best, often. If you visit a rescue center they will have ready made neutered & vaccinated bonded pairs to save you the hassle!
A neutered male and female pair works best, often. If you visit a rescue center they will have ready made neutered & vaccinated bonded pairs to save you the hassle!


Also, welcome to a fellow Hele!
Hiya and a Huge Welcome to you !!!:wave:

It's lovely to have you here

I would definitely seek vet advice if you have 2 bunnies living together just now, if bought from pet shops/adverts, young bunnies can be mis-sexed and often, as a result a m/f pair are put together and before you know it, more bunnies arrive. A vet will be able to advise.

If you haven't already, you can contact local rescues where they have already neutered and vaccinated pairs and they have fab advice on health and set ups.

There are requirements for rabbits accommodation which should be noted as often bunnies accommodation in pets shops is woefully inadequate which can result in bunnies health being compromised with bunnies being kept in, what is effectively a prison.

Millions of threads on here about housing.

Very very best of luck

Fee xxxx