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I've finally got my group of 4!


Mama Doe

I've been desperately wanting a group for so long, and having 4 pairs you'd think it wouldn't be too hard... but I have some unsociable little devils :roll:

I decided to give it one more try. They had met (through mesh/bars) before while Harry & Sophie were in the run on the grass or in their own run, and Smudge and Jasper were free ranging. With absolutely no problems from that I decided it was worth a try and had an amazingly easy bonding.

There was a little bit of humping but that was it, no fighting or real chasing. They all settled in together as if they'd known each other forever :D
It's strange, I have 2 black rabbits but the other 6 are all very different looking... and it was completely unintentional. They're all gorgeous though :love:

My great niece says that Jasper (the pew) is her favourite, I thought it was because pink was her favourite colour but apparently her new fave colour is green and he's still her favourite bunny :lol: