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It could be a long day.... UPDATE. So far so good! : )


Warren Scout
Well I decided to give it ANOTHER go! The cage swapping seemed to help her get used to being in his space.

SO last night I put them in kitchen. Gloves, squirter and food at the ready.. There was no huge probs apart from me getting a sore bum sitting on the kitchen floor!

SO going to see how it goes today... She's in a bit of a grump cos she's not under the bed where she normally is during the day and seems a bit on edge but we'll just have to wait and see I guess..

I did notice she's got some patches of hair missing and kinda scaly skin, wondering if that's a stress thing?

So... another day sitting in the kitchen with two bunnies who just end up sleeping! hehe!
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Well there has been a wee bit of chasing and deciding who is getting control of the corner! But on the whole not too bad...

I'm just not sure where to go from here really! Do I keep them separate tonight or put them in one cage? The kitchen is still neutral space for them. Was wondering about trying them in the hall so it's bit more space and see.
I'm bonding in the bathroom my back aches and i'm sick of being in here but if they rebond it will be worth it.
It's hard going eh? And then today I have put them together after a good day yesterday and they've had a fall out! I just don't know what to do....:cry::cry::cry:

Good luck with yours!!!