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Is this normal?


Young Bun
Hi I got my new bunny Tilly at the weekend and was hoping to bond her with my bunny Tobie. I'm planning to do this on Saturday but I've set their runs up next to each other so they can smell and see each other. But Tobie is going for Tilly through the bars or the runs! Is this normal? He goes to bite her and is grunting at the same time! He has also tried to get her with his front paws!

I'm now really nervous about putting them together as I'm worried Tobie may hurt her, is it normal what Tobie is doing? Should I be worried about putting them together?

Just really need some advice please?

Karen x
Is tobie an outside or inside bun? Has he been neutered? and how long has he been alone for?
Both my buns are outside buns, Tobie was neutered at 4 months, he's 2 now. Tobie lived with my gorgeous girl Skye till she sadly passed away 2 weeks ago.

Karen x
It may just be he thinks she's too close to his territory. The only way to know for sure will be when you introduce them somewhere totally neutral. As he's been abit aggressive you might want to start that with one in a carrier so you can see how he interacts then (make sure the carriers been disinfected to remove smell).
