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Intestinal Lump - U/D She's Gone

Tons of vibes and noserubs to Harriet :love::love::love:
You're giving her every chance possible. I do hope it works x x x
This morning poor Harriet was back at the vets :( She's had little poos since she had the big op to remove a section of her gut and she's been less and less interested in food and hay as the weeks gone on. Up until last night she was still eating her pellets and vegs and especially tasty hay, but this morning she wouldn't even touch her pellets.

Took her in and Gill checked her teeth, but she just looks to have some gut stasis as her teeth were fine. She had some fluids, painrelief and stimulant and will be on critical care and fibreplex etc. She's also lost some more weight which is now about 1/2 kg since it all started.

On the positive side, Gill said her lump felt smaller though, so hopefully she'll get through this hiccough :)
Sending tons of vibes for her. I must admit I have given Picollo some poridge on occasion over this winter to keep his weight steady, though dont know if this would be recommended for Harriet. Thinking of you both x
Harriet has spent most of today on her snugglesafe - she's never sat on one before at all. She is taking in fibreplex and Critical Care willingly, and most foods I offer her, also drinking of her own accord but her poos are now teeny tiny and very dark.

I'm really worried for her :cry:
Poor Harriet didn't make it :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:

I took her along to the vets this afternoon and she was helped to the bridge. The last few weeks have been so hard for her but we wanted to give her every chance. I think we knew it was coming but its still so hard :cry::cry::cry::cry:
Poor Harriet didn't make it :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:

I took her along to the vets this afternoon and she was helped to the bridge. The last few weeks have been so hard for her but we wanted to give her every chance. I think we knew it was coming but its still so hard :cry::cry::cry::cry:

I am so sorry :cry:

Binky Free Harriet, you are fully healed now
