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Inspector Morse Died Peacefully at 1930hrs on 2nd Feb 2014

If Morse didn't have you I'm sure he would have given up long ago.

This. So this. I completely agree! Jane, you do such a great job with your bunnies and this just goes to show that. Plus, Morse is indeed a fighter! :love:

It's so wonderful that Morse is still fighting, he is so incredible and so are you Jane, no doubt, he would not be here without you.

Much love to you both xxx
Morse has done well today, he is not so unsteady on his feet and he is eating better. The metoclopramide certainly seems to help a lot with regards to his dizziness/wobbliness.

I do realise that he is on very borrowed time, but I am just so grateful that I still have him with me at the moment. Although I know that I never will really lose him, his spirit is far too powerful to die

I took this photo about an hour ago

What a wonderful picture! :)

Morse is such an inspiration (as are you, Jane) that when I have mornings that I feel I'd rather curl back up under my covers and say forget everything...but then I remember...Morse is up and he's making his rounds despite all...and that helps me get myself moving.

Thank you both. I'm so glad he is doing so well! He is amazing!
Have a lovely evening! :love:
Great to see him looking bright and eating. :love::love::love: I was so scared by the listless photo of him earlier in the week.
Ooo Morse! You have such a squishy little face!!!

SO glad to see you're eating and continuing to muddle on!

Nose rubs for you and hugs for Jane xxx
Wishing you both a peaceful night's rest and hoping the Inspector has another good day tomorrow xxxxx
Whilst bright within himself and much more co-ordinated Morse did not want any breakfast (Rabbit Royale) earlier

But after his meds he has eaten a bowl of dried forage. I am so hoping that he remains well enough to stay with us today. He will let us know, he can communicate his needs exactly and I will make sure we meet them at all times.
Wanting to eat ANYTHING is a good sign - keeping you both in my thoughts today. Glad he enjoyed his forage.